Now the mere inspection of this relation tells us that we have got to do with a case in which is proportional to . If we think of the curve which will represent as a function of , it will be such that its slope at any point will be proportional to the ordinate at that point, and will be a negative slope if is positive. So obviously the curve will be a die-away curve (p. 156), and the solution will contain as a factor. But, without presuming on this bit of sagacity, let us go to work.
As both and occur in the equation and on opposite sides, we can do nothing until we get both and to one side, and to the other. To do this, we must split our usually inseparable companions and from one another.
Having done the deed, we now can see that both sides have got into a shape that is integrable, because we recognize , or , as a differential that we have met with (p. 147) when differentiating logarithms. So we may at once write down the instructions to integrate,
and doing the two integrations, we have: