Calculus Made Easy
call a logarithmic rate of growing. Unit logarithmic rate of growth is that rate which in unit time will cause to grow to . It might also be called the organic rate of growing: because it is characteristic of organic growth (in certain circumstances) that the increment of the organism in a given time is proportional to the magnitude of the organism itself.
If we take per cent. as the unit of rate, and any fixed period as the unit of time, then the result of letting grow arithmetically at unit rate, for unit time, will be , while the result of letting grow logarithmically at unit rate, for the same time, will be
A little more about Epsilon. We have seen that we require to know what value is reached by the expression , when becomes indefinitely great. Arithmetically, here are tabulated a lot of values (which anybody can calculate out by the help of an ordinary table of logarithms) got by assuming ; ; ; and so on, up to .