< Page:Brock centenary 2nd ed. 1913.djvu
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he made a gallant defence, and, at I said, retained tnii pari of the world for the British Empire. Be w&b aot onlj ■ great sui.ii.-f. i.ut a diplomat and a statesman, and whatever hia vision may have been

  • >w- hundred yean ago, everyone will agree with

me that ii was ..c su.ii a character thai la- retained one of tin- best ami finest parte <>f tin- world for Qreat Britain.

Lei inr sa\ a word regarding the loyalty, the love of home and patriotism thai existed at that time on this field of battle, and it might !>«• asked, what are we doing to-day to create a sentiment of patriot' Ism and loyalty t«» our country and flag? Let me contrast the efforts made in Canada to create a patriotic and national sent inn-tit as compared with the country to the south of us. Just here let me tell you a short Btory regarding what occurred to myself in the city of Detroit some yean ago, before l sras a member of the Legislative Assembly or had any thought of public life. I haw always remem- bered it with tin- keenest appreciation of tin- g work in which the people t<> the south of us an engaged, Inculcating in tin- youth of the country a loyal and patriotic sentiment. I was in Detroit on a school i<t< day when the children of each school were manhalled together for a march past the Detroit City Hall, when they had a Large picture of tin- President Burrounded by their national tlau r , the stats and Stripes. As each school reached the entrance to the City Hall tin- scholan halted, sainted, and gave three cheere. To a little urchin on the Btreet near me who was selling papen I said. ■• Why do they stop and cheer?" Il«' replied, •• Thej an cheering for tin- old flag which we 'all • < >id < Hory,' and. sir. i.-t me tell yon that Is the flag that was never licked!" I possibly did not agree with the accuracy of his history, but I realised the sentiment that had been created in that youngster's

mind, a s.-nt iin.-nt of loyalty and patriotism no doubt Inculcated in his mind at BChooL

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