en July 27th, L812, that in reply to u address from the Assembly of Upper Caliada he Mid :
"Gentlemen: When Invaded by ad enemy whose aTowed object It the entire conqneel of the Pro- vince, the roice of loyalt] at well at of Interest callfl alond i«» every person in the sphere to which he is placed, to defend his conntry. Onr militia have heard the roice and have obeyed it. They have evinced bj the promptitude and loyalty of their conduct thai they are worthy of the kin^ r whom iii»'.\ serve, and "f the constitntion which they enjoy; and it affords me particular satisfac- tion, thai while I address you as legislators, I speak ti» men who, in the day of danger, will be ready to i cot <>nly with their counsel, but with arms."
lie concluded as follows: "We are engaged in an awful and eventful contest By unanimity and despatch in our councils, and by vigour In our
operations, we may teach the enemy this h
that a country defended by free men. enthusiastic' ally devoted to the cause of their king and constitu-
We know the response, ami others who will fol- low me will speak of it in greater detail with
the Canadian poet we can say ami sin;::
•• We boast not of the victory, But render homage, deep and just.
To his and their immortal dust.
w ho proved so worthy of their trust —
No lofty pile nor sculptured DUSt ( *an herald their degree.
"• No tongue need blazon forth their fame — The cheers that stir t he sacred hill Are hut the promptings of the will That conquered then, that conquers still;
And general ions \ el shall thrill
At Brock'i remembered name."
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