About two thousand people gathered at the f"<>t
of the Monument Colonel <i. Sterling Byerson, President of the General Committee and ol the v. K. L Association, presided. Among those
present were the lion. II. A. Pyne, li.P.P., Minis-
ter «>f Bdncation tor Ontario, ami Mrs. Pyne; A. Claude Macdonell, M.P., Toronto; w. If, Ger- man, M.r.. Welland; Colonel George T. Denison (\\ v.. Land British Empire League); J. A Mac- doiiril, K.C., Glengarry; a. IfacLean Macdonell, K.C. (representatives of Colonel the lion. John Macdonell, Provincial A.iu\ to General Brock); Dr. Alexander Dame (a relative of Hon. Colonel John Macdonell) ; Jamee I-. Hughes, LL.D. (Cana- dian Defence League) : Doctor Jeesop, M.P.P., St Catharines; Mr. Evan Eraser, M.P.P., Niagara Palls, <>nt.: Alexander Praser, LL.D. (Ontario Historical Society, St Andrew 9 ! Society, and s.o.s. Association); Mr. P. l>. rV. Smith (Cana- dian Club, Toronto); J. CasteU Hopkins (Empire
Clnl), Toronto); Miss Helen M. Merrill (Honor- ary Secretary, Brock Centenary, ami r. r. L.); i '. Macdonell : Miss Kate Praser, Toronto: Mr. John Stewart Carstairs, BJL (Honorary Secre- tary, r. E. I.. Association of < lanada | : Mr. Charlei r Macdonald, barrister, Toronto I Honorary Coun- sellor, r. B. I.. Association <'f Canada); Chas. B. McCullough, Hamilton (Union of t Sanadlan Clubs).
Etoyal Canadian College, Kingston: Colonel .1. H. v. < Srowe, ( Sommandant
Boyal Canadian Regiment : Captain J. P. Brown iin command), Lieutenant J. w. Cox, and sixty- eight non-coms, ami men.
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