< Page:Brock centenary 2nd ed. 1913.djvu
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w The Executive Committee met on October Tih ami received satisfactory reports of the pro- gross made In carrying <>nt the propotali of the General Committee, a programme for the cele- bration ;ii Qneenaton Heights was drafted, and the President wbb requested to arrange with the Department of Militia thai the permanent fon

-.■in Prom Toronto i«» Qneenston Heights to take part in the proceedings, li was also resolved to publish ;ui account of the proceedings In connec- tion wiiii the celebration as an Interesting record

The Executive also reported thai all arrange- ments had been completed for the journey to Qneenston Heights; thai the Militia Department had ordered thai salutes be ftred Prom all saluting points in Canada on the L2tfa Inst.; thai commem- <»n the LStfa Inst.; thai special exercises would be observed In the public schools In accordance with letters received Prom the Honourable R. A. Pyne, M.P.P., Minister of Education Por Ontario, Mr. Augustus w. Ball, Deputy Minister of Education, Saskatchewan, Mr. Alexander Robinson, Superin- tendent "f Education, British Columbia, and from Mr. R. Fletcher, Deputy Minister of Education, Manitoba; thai a detachmenl Prom the permanent infantry Porce nt Toronto would proceed to Queens- ton Heights «>n the 12th inst.; thai the Toronto, Hamilton and other corps «>f militia would be represented, and thai large delegations Prom patri- otic, national and historical societies would take part; that many wreaths would be sent to the monument; that the Dominion Government had ordered its representative in London. England, to place a wreath on Brock's Memorial in St Paul's Cathedral; and that tetters Prom prominent public

men had l n received, either regretting their

Inability to take part or accepting the Invitations to be present

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