Major-General Brock Frontispiece Lieutenant-Colonel John Macdonell, Provincial Aide-de-Camp to Major-General Sir Isaac Brock 5 Executive Committee 38 First Monument to General Brock at Queenston Heights 33 Brock’s Monument 34 Central section of a panoramic picture of the gathering at Queenston Heights 38 Floral Tribute placed on Cenotaph, where Brock fell, by the Guernsey Society, Toronto 38 Memorial Wreaths placed on the Tombs, at Queenston Heights, of Major-General Sir Isaac Brock, Kt., and Colonel John Macdonell, P.A.D.C., Attorney-General of Upper Canada 41 Wreath placed on Brock’s Monument in St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, Eng., by the Government of Canada 42 Wreath placed on Brock’s Monument, Queenston Heights, by the Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire 42 Conferring Tribal Membership on Miss Helen M. Merrill 43 Six Nation Indians celebrating Brock’s Centenary at Queenston Heights 44 Colonel George Sterling Ryerson, Chairman of Committee 45 Angus Claude Macdonell, K.C., M.P., addressing the gathering 51 Hon. R. A. Pyne, M.D., M.P.P., Minister of Education of Ontario 58 James L. Hughes, LL.D., Chief Inspector of Schools, Toronto 58 Colonel George T. Denison, Toronto 58 J. A. Macdonell, K.C., Glengarry, addressing the gathering 61 Chief A. G. Smith, Six Nation Indians, Grand River Reserve 71 Captain Charles R. McCullough, Hamilton, Ont. 71 Warrior F. Onondeyoh Loft, Six Nation Indians, Toronto 71 Members of Committee at Queenston Heights 77 Group of Indians (Grand River Reserve) celebrating Brock’s Centenary at Queenston Heights 88 Captain Joseph Birnie 93