•• Father:
" \\ e authorise Mm to Subscribe from our monies
the mm of Fifteen Pounds, In aid <>f the praise- worthj work about to be performed J and may the blessing of 1 1 1 « > Qreai spirit make it p rosper.
" Dated at Bice Lake Mission, Otonabee. January 7. 1841.
u Qbobgi Pai dabs, Principal Chief
" John ('row. Chief.
" John COPOWATj Chief.
"John Tainciiky, Chief.
" Bead oret to the ( /Men and signed by them in presence of —
Hknuy ]'.ali>\yin, Jun."
The generous action of the Indians was much appreciated by the British Government and the fol- lowing acknowledgment was made by Lord John BUBSell, "ii its behalf: —
" Downing street,
" 6th May, 1841. " No. 37L\
"My Lord:
" I received by the last mail from Canada a pamphlet, containing the correspondence, addresses, etc, connected with the subscription of various Indian Tribes in Upper Canada, in aid of the funds for the reconstruction of Sir Isaac Brock's Monu- ment on Queenston Heights.
"The feelings effaced by t lie Indians on this occasion are much to their credit. I have to request that your Lordship will Convey to them the thanks of the British Government and nation for their ■ealOUS eo operation, and renew to them the assur-
ances of the Queen's regard for their welfare.
• I have, etc.,
" (Signed ) J. Rrssii.i..
Phe Bight Honourable Lord Bydenham. M
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