Chapter III
TURNING to the costumes of the era, we find conservatism and change side by side. One of the vagaries of fashion was a rule that the skirt of an official's upper garment should be long in proportion to his rank. In the middle of the thirteenth century it was considered de rigueur that a minister of State should have an eight-foot train; a senior councillor, seven feet; a junior councillor, six feet ; and so on down to officials lower than the fourth grade who had to content themselves with four feet. At the zenith of this fashion a prime minister might be seen dragging after him a train twelve feet long and managing it with grace and address acquired by arduous practice. Military men, however, did not obey this monstrous custom, prototype of the modern Occidental Drawing-room. The Court nobles and civil officials enjoyed a monopoly of it,—the men who, deeming themselves best attired when they resembled women most closely, shaved their eyebrows,