coming; state of cap, but the necessary exertion recoils on ^Ir. Smallweed nimself, whom it throws back into his porter's chair, like a broken puppet. The excellent old gentleman being, at these times, a mere clothes-bag with a black skull-cap on the top of it, does not present a very animated appearance until he has undergone the two operations at the hands of his grand- daughter, of being shaken up like a great bottle, and poked and punched like a great bolster. Some indication of a neck being developed in him by these means, he and the sharer of his life's evening again sit fronting one another in their two porter's chairs, like a couple of sentinels long forgotten on their post by the Black Serjeant, Death. Judy the twin is worthy company for these associates. She is so indubitably sister to INIr. Smallweed the younger, that the two kneaded into one would hardly make a young person of average proportions ; while she so happily exemplifies the before-mentioned family likeness to the monkey tribe, that, attired in a spangled robe and cap, she might walk about the table-land on the top of a barrel-organ without exciting much remark as an unusual specimen. Under existing circumstances^ however, she is dressed in a plain, spare gown of brown stuff. Judy never owned a doll, never heard of Cinderella, never played at any game. She once or twice fell into children's company when she was about ten years old, but the children couldn't get on with Judy, and Judy couldn't get on with them. She seemed like an animal of another species, and there was instinctive repugnance on both sides. It is very doubtful whether Judy knows how to laugh. She has so rarely seen the thing done, that the probabilities are strong the other way. Of anything like a youthful laugh, she certainly can have no conception. If she were to try one, she woidd find her teeth in her way ; modelling that action of her face, as she has unconsciously modelled all its other expressions, on her pattern of sordid age. Such is Judy. And her twin Ijrother couldn't wind up a top for his life. He knows no more of Jack the Giant Killer, or of Sinbad the Sailor, than he knows of the people in the stars. He coidd as soon play at leap-frog, or at cricket, as change into a cricket or a frog himself. But, he is so much the better ott' than his sister, that on his narrow world of fact an opening- has dawned, into such broader regions as lie within the ken of ]Ir. Guppy. Hence, his admiration and his emulation of that shining enchanter. Judy, with a gong-like clash and clatter, sets one of the sheet-iron tea- trays on the table, and aiTanges cups and saucers. The bread she puts on in an iron basket ; and the butter (and not much of it) in a small pewter plate. Grandfather Smallweed looks hard after the tea as it is served out, and asks Judy where the girl is ? " Charley, do you mean ? " says Judy. "Hey? " from Grandfather Smallweed. " Charley, do you mean ? " This touches a spring in Grandmother Smallweed who, chuckling, as usual, at the trivets, cries — " Over the water ! Charley over the water, Charley over the w^ater, over the water to Charley, Charley over the water, over the water to Charley ! " and becomes quite energetic about it. Grandfather looks at the cushion, but has not sufficiently recovered his late exertion. " Ha ! " he says, when there is silence — " if that's her name. She eats a deal. It woidd be better to allow her for her keep."