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found dead of too much opium. If you think you have any evidence to lead you to the conclusion that he committed suicide, you will come to that conclusion. If you think it is a case of accidental death, you will fid a Verdict accordingly.

Verdict accordinigly. Accidental death. No doubt. Gentlemen, you are discharged. Good afternoon.

While the Coroner buttons his great coat, Mr. Tulkinghorn and he give private audience to the rejected witness in a corner.

That graceless creature only knows that the dead man (whom he recognised just now by his yellow face and black hair) was sometimes hooted and pursued about the streets. That one cold winter night, when he, the boy, was shivering in a doorway near his crossing, the man turned to look at him, and came back, and, having questioned him and found that he had not a friend in the world, said, "Neither have I. Not one ! " and gave him the price of a supper and a night's lodging. That the man had often spoken to him since ; and asked him whether he slept sound at night, and how he bore cold and hunger, and whether he ever wished to die ; and similar strange questions. That when the man had no money, he would say in passing, " I am as poor as you to-day, Jo ; " but that when he had any, he had always (as the boy most heartily believes) been glad to give him some.

" He was wery good to me," says the boy, wiping his eyes with his wretched sleeve. " Wen I see him a lay in' so stritched out just now, I wished he could have heerd me tell him so. He wos wery good to me, he wos ! "

As he shuffles down stairs, Mr. Snagsby, lying in wait for him, puts a half-crown in his hand. " If ever you see me coming past your crossing with my little woman—I mean a lady—" says Mr. Snagsby, with his finger on his nose, " don't allude to it !"

For some little time the Jurymen hang about the Sol's Arms colloquially. In the sequel, half-a-dozen are caught up in a cloud of pipe-smoke that pervades the parlor of the Sol's Arms ; two stroll to Hampstead ; and four engage to go half-price to the play at night, and top up with oysters. Little Swills is treated on several hands. Being asked what he thinks of the proceedings, characterises them (his strength lying in a slangular direction) as "a rummy start." The landlord of the Sol's Arms, finding Little Swills so popular, commends him highly to the Jurymen and public ; observing that, for a song in character, he don't know his equal, and that that man's character-wardrobe would fill a cart.

Thus, gradually the Sol's Arms melts into the shadowy night, and then flares out of it strong in gas. The Harmonic Meeting hour arriving, the gentleman of professional celebrity takes the chair ; is faced (red-faced) by Little Swills ; their friends rally round them, and support first-rate talent. In the zenith of the evening. Little Swills says, Gentlemen, if you'll permit me, I'll attempt a short description of a scene of real life that came off here to-day. Is much applauded and encouraged ; goes out of the room as Swills ; comes in as the Coroner (not the least in the world like him) ; describes the Inquest, with recreative intervals of piano-forte accompaniment to the refrain—With his (the Coroner's) tippy tol Li doll, tippy tol lo doll, tippy tol li doll. Dee !

The jingling piano at last is silent, and the Harmonic friends rally

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