, by H. G. K., 465, 605.Towns, increase of the, at the expense of the country, 125—increase of population in the, 1841 to 1851, 129 reaction of the agricultural depression on the, 303 immigration of population from the country into them, 307 state of their population, i&. ventilation, drain- age, &c. of them, 381. Trade circulars, general tone of the, 108. Traders, influence of free trade on the, 137. Trafalgar Square fountains, the, 314. Travelling, modern universality of, 86 increased facilities and abundance of it, 195. Tucket, Mr, account of the massacre of Wairau by, 425. United States, protective policy of the, 117 increase in their population, 123 on slavery in the, 385 increased cultivation of grain in the, 489 note sketches of agriculture in the, 699 et seq. Johnston on their wheat produc- ing powers, 701 the exports of bread- stuffs from, 702 the prices of these falling in, 703 extensive use of maize and buckwheat in, 705 encourage- ments to emigration to, 710, 711 their judicial system, 713 taxation, 715. Upper Canadaj progress of, 708. ' Vaccination in New Zealand, 430. Van, lake, 732. Van Diemen's land, the aborigines of, 416. Vendome column, the, 318. Venetian territories, the insurrection in the, 26 et seq. how acquired by Aus- tria, 433 her administration of them, 435, 436. Venice, the revolt at, 27. Ventilation, Mr Helps on the importance of, 383. Vernet the actor, anecdote of, 161. Verona, the battle of, 30 et seq. capture of it by general d'Aspre, 442. Versailles, Stahr on the galleries of, 552. Vicenza, the capture of, by Radetsky, 34, VOICE FROM THE DIGGINGS, A, 470. VOLTAIRE IN THE CRYSTAL PALACE, 142. Wages, lowering of, among the agricultu- ral classes, 496 the general reduction of them the object of the free-traders, 634. Wairau, the massacre of, 425. Walmsley, sir J., his reception in Scot- land, 298. WALPOLE'S ANSAYRII, reviewed, 719. WANDERINGS ROUND THE WORLD, 86. Wanganui, treaty of, with the New Zea- land chiefs, 423. Warburton's, " Crescent and Cross," ex- tract from, 721 note. Wellington statues, Fanny Lewald on the, 211. WERNE, F. A., A CAMPAIGN IN TAKA by, reviewed, 251. Wheat, alleged increased consumption of, 496 its price under free trade, 636 powers of producing, in the United States, 701. " Where summer is, there 'tis fresh and fair," 467. Wilson, James, on the corn laws, 636. Windischgratz, sketches of the campaign in Hungary under, 36. Winter palace, destruction and rebuilding of the, in St Petersburg, 158. Wolves, sketches of, in America, 675. Women, English and German, Fanny Lewald on, 216. Woodcutters' life in Maine, sketches of, 669 et seq. Working-classes, effects of free trade on the, 113. WORLD, WANDERINGS ROUND THE, 86. York column, the, 211. Young, G. F., return of, for Scarborough, 245. Zerline, the opera of, 311. Zichy, count, Austrian commandant at Venice, 28. Zichy, lieutenant count, death of, 33. Printed % William Blackwood # Sons, Edinburgh.