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Legislative interference, on, as applied to sanitary measures, 381.

Leicester, depressed state of, 644.

Leitzendorf, colonel, death of, 31.

LEWALD'S DIARY IN ENGLAND, review of, 209.

Liberal policy, experienced results of, in the Peninsula, 349. Liberals, preponderance of the, in Scot- land, 297. Liberals, the Portuguese, division among the, &c., 352. LIFE AMONG THE LOGGERS, 669. Limerick Examiner, the, on emigration from Ireland, 134. Liszt the pianist, reception of, at St Petersburg, 169. Littledale, Messrs, on the manufacturing depression, 609. Lodging-house, a, in San Francisco, 473. LOGGERS, LIFE AMONG THE, 669. Logrolling, origin of the phrase, 712. Lombardo- Venetian Kingdom, the Aus- trian administration of the, 435. Lombardy, the insurrection of, against Austria, 26 et seq., 433 the govern- ment of it by Austria, 435. London, the shopkeepers of, effects of free trade on, 111 increase of population in, 1841 to 1851, 129. LONDON DIARY OF A GERMAN AUTHORESS, the, 209. Louis XIII., foundation of the Jardin des Plantes by, 315. Louis Napoleon, improvement of the passport system by, 196 Stahr's pic- ture of him, 545 anecdotes, &c. of him, 547 causes of his election, 548. Louis Philippe, improvement of the Bou- levard of Paris under him, 202 the final act of his dethronement, 204 Stahr's sketches, &c. of him, 548 et seq. passim, 550 et seq. Luxor, the obelisk of, at Paris, 312. M'Corkindale, R., letter from A. R. Dun- shunner to Downward tendencies, 1 06. Madeleine, church of the, at Paris, 312. Magic, the secrets of, 564. Maine, sketches among the wood-cutters of, 669 et seq. Maize, extensive use of, in the United States, 705. Malthus, the views of, on population, 123. Mammiani, the Roman demagogue, 437, 438. Mantua, the Austrian possession of, 433. Manufactures, British, their rise during the war, 633 their state under free trade, 643. Manufacturers, depressed state of the, 108. Manufacturing districts, distress and de- pression in the, 305, 609. Manufacturing towns, check to the popu- lation in the, 130, 131. Maria, Donna, position of. in Portugal, 349. Maronites, sketches of the, 455. Martineau, Miss, testimony of, regarding mesmerism, 75 atheistical work by her, 76, note. MASTER THIEF, the, a Norse popular tale, 595. Mazarin, encouragement of the drama by, in France, 323. Mazzini, proceedings of, in Rome, 438. Mechanics, the poetry of, 567. Mechi, Mr, his high farming system, 491. Medusa's head, the, in connection with mesmerism, 77. Mehmet Pasha of Acre, sketches of, 459 et seq. Mesmer, the alleged powers, &c. of, 82. MESMERISM, WHAT is IT ? 70 postscript, 83. Metallic tractors, cure by, 79. Metropolitan representatives, character of the, 300 the Times on them, 301. Middle classes, their aversion to revolu- tion in Great Britain, 297. Miguel, Don, Whig policy toward, and its results, 349 his dethronement, 350 party still adhering to him, 351 et seq. passim. Miguelites, strength of the party of, in Portugal, 352. Milan, the duchy of, the Austrian posses- sion of, 433. Milan, city of. Radetsky's retreat from it, 440 its aspect after the suppression of the insurrection, 35. Military service, term of, in Russia, 155. Millais, painting by, 212. Milton on emigration, 503. Ministry, uncertain position of the, 110. Mitkenab, visit to village of, 264. " Modern Painters," review of, 326. MODERN STATE TRIALS Note on Part III. Captain Helsham Duelling, 122. Mohammed Din, an Arab chief, 261 et seq. passim. MOIR, THE LATE D. M., 249. Molesworth, Mr, account of cannibalism in New Zealand, by, 418. Monetary Crisis, the, its alleged influ- ence on population, 132. Montanara, battle of, 33. Montemolin, the Count de, 356. Montpensier, the duke de his character, 555. Monuments of London, Fanny Lewald on the, 210. Moor, action at, in the Hungarian war, 37. Moose-deer, adventure with a, 679. Morgan, lady, sketch of, by Lewald, 218. Morroqueimado, Swiss settlement of, in Brazil, 88. Mossul, a caravan journey to, 98. Mosul, town of, 729.

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