Abdallah, a dragoman, sketch of, 448 et seq.
Aborigines, general characteristics of, 416. Abrantes, the marquis of, 354. Achmet Bascha, a campaign in Taka un- der, 251 et seq. Achmet Effendi, sketch of, 453. Acre, sketches at, 459. Administration, system of, in Russia, 164 et seq. Adolphe the clairvoyant, performances of, 70. Africa, recent travels in, 251. Agricultural depression, amount of, in Ireland, 136 reaction of it on other classes of the community, 303. Agricultural interest, experienced results of free trade to the, 133 Lord John Russell on its state, 489. Agricultural Relief Associations, proceed- ings and demands of the, 616. Agriculture, Huskisson on protection to, 632 state of, &c. in the United States, 699 et seq. relations of geology to, 703 improvements in, in New York, &c., 704 its state, &c., in Canada, 707. Agriculturists, effects of the depression of the, on the home trade, 109 lowering of the wages of the, 496. Albany, Professor Johnston's Lectures in, 700. Alchemy, origin of chemistry with, &c., 564. Aleppo, town of, 725. Alexandretta, town of, 463, 724. Alexandria, a voyage from, to Syria, 451. Alexis the clairvoyant, 77. Ali-Beg, the pass of, 100. Amadeus I. of Savoy, 414. American lakes, the, 708, 709. American slavery, on, 385. Americans in California, character, &c. of the, 478. Amiens, sketches at, 199. ANSAYRII, THE, 719 their tenets, num- bers, &c., 733. Apes, shooting of, at Hassela, 270. Arab Scheik, an, 728. Arable culture, expense of, 1790, 1803, and 1813, 620. Arc de Triomphe de 1'Etoile, the, 319. Arches, the triumphal, of Paris, 320. Ark wright, sir R., origin "of the disco- veries of, 566. Army, the French, feeling in, toward Louis Napoleon, 547. ARNABOLL, THE RAID OF, chap. I. 220 chap. II. 225 chap. III. 230-chap. IV. 236. Artesian well, the, at Paris, 317. Aspre, general d', notices of, during the campaign in Italy, 29 et seq. passim his march on Verona, 442. ASSASSINS or Ansayrii, the, 71 9 their tenets, &c., 733. Atbara river, the, 257 et seq. passim. Atoi, a New Zealand chief, 417. Auber's opera of Zerline, on, 311. Aumale, the duke d', the duke of Orleans on, 555. Australia, character of the aborigines of, 416 a voyage to California from, 471. Austria, sketches of the war between her and Piedmont, 25 et seq. her interven- tion in the Papal States in 1830, 432 her long possession of Lombardy and acquisition of Venice, 433 her admi- nistration of the Lombardo- Venetian kingdom, 434. AUSTRIAN AIDE-DE-CAMP, the campaigns of an, 25. AUTUMN POLITICS, 607. Bacon, Friar, the prophecy of, 562. Bagdad, sketches of, 97. Ballet-dancing, Fanny Lewald on, 217. Baranken, fur called, 172. Bassora, a voyage to, 96. Bears, the, in the Jardin des Plantes, 314 sketches of, in North America, 672, 677. Beautiful, Ruskin's theory of the, exa- mined, 333. Belgian Revolution, Stahr on the, 544. Benares, sketches by Madame Pfeiffer at, 93. Berchthold, count, fellow-traveller of Madame Pfeiffer, 87 et seq. passim. Bethmeria, village of, in Lebanon, 456. Beyrout, sketches at, 454, 721. Blanc, Louis, account of, by Fanny Le- wald, 2 14. Bombay, a voyage from Bassora to, 96. BOROUGHS,DISFRANCHISEMENT OF THE, 296. Boroughs, apparent secession of the, from the free-trade cause, 299.