of Syria, 476 Modern painters,
their superiority in the art of landscape painting to the old masters, 485 Bennett's Ceylon and its capabilities, 622.
Roads, deficiency of, in Greece, 336. Royal Academy, exhibition of the, 188 Fuseli's Lectures at the, 691. Royal salute, the, a tale, 504. Royal Society of London, the, 518. Rue St Denis, chronicles of the, 524. Russia, conduct of, towards Greece, 359. Salmon fishing, Scrope's days and nights of, reviewed, 80. Scamper in the prairie of Jacinto, a, 521. Schiller, the poems and ballads of, trans- lated, Part the Last, introduction, 139 remarks on those of the second period, 140 hymn to joy, 142 the invincible armada, 143 the conflict, 144 resignation, 145 the gods of Greece, 146 the meeting, 149 to Emma, 150 to a young friend de- voting himself to philosophy, ib. the puppet-show of life, ib. the commencement of the new century, 151 the minstrels of old, 152 fare- well to the reader, ib. Schlegel, Frederick, review of the works of, 311. Schwab, Gustav, the Bridge over the Thur, by, translated, 717. Scotch Church, remarks on the bill for the settlement of the, 544. Scrope on salmon fishing, review of, 80 Second siege of Vienna, the, a chapter of Turkish history, 173. Senses, a speculation on the, 650. Simmons, B., Philhellenic drinking-song, by, 41. Singers, English, notices of, 31. Singhalese, character of the, 627. Sketch in the tropics, a, from a super- cargo's log, 362. Sobieski, John, deliverance of Vienna, by, 184 Society of British artists, exhibition of the, 199. Something about Music, 709. Spain, effects of the want of an aristo- cracy in, 52. Speculation on the senses, a, 650. Stahrenberg, Count, defence of Vienna by, 181. Statesman, memoirs of a. Part II., 1 Part III.. 207 Part IV., 325 Part V., 60S Part VI., 801. Suffolk street gallery, exhibition at the, 199. Supercargo's log, sketch from a, 362. Switzerland, commercial policy, &c., of, 248. Syloson's return to Saraos, 714 Part II., 715. Syria, Colonel Napier's reminiscences of, 476. Tallis, the English musician, notices of, 23-24. Taprobane of the Romans, the, 623. Taxation, pressure of, in Greece, 358. Texas, adventures in. No. I , a scam- per in the prairie of Jacinto, 551 No. II., a trial by jury, 777. Thirteenth, the, a tale of doom, 465. To a young friend devoting himself to philosophy, from the German of Schiller, 150- Travels of Kerim Khan. Part I., 453 Part II., 504 conclusion, 753. Trial by iury, a; an adventure in Texas, 777. Tropics, a sketch in the, from a super- cargo's log, 362. Turkish history, chapters of. No. X., the second siege of Vienna, 173. Turner, J. W. f strictures on the works of, 497. Two dreams, from the French of Bal- zac, 672. University of Athens, the, 358. Vienna, the second siege of, a chapter of Turkish history, 173. Vision of the world, a, by Delta, 343. Wales, notes on a tour in the disturbed districts of, 766. Water-colour paintings, exhibitions of. 201. " We are all low people thoro," a tale of the assizes. Chapter I., 273 Chapter II., 288. Whewell's philosophy of the inductive sciences, remarks on, 422. Whippiad, the, a satirical poem, by Bi- shop Heber. Canto I., 100 Canto II., 102 Canto III., 104 Letter relating to, 263. Woman's rights and duties, review of, 373. Women, the wrongs of, 597. Wood-paving for locomotives, advan- tages of, 398. World, a vision of the, by Delta, 343. Wrongs of women, the, 597. Young, A., on the habits of the Salmon, 82.
Edinburgh; Printed by Ballantyne and Hughes, Paul's Work.