Conflict, the, from the German of Schil- ler, 144. Continental nobility, comparison of with the British, 56. Corn- law Question, the, 539. Council of State, the Greek, 350. Creswick, Mr, remarks on the style of, 188. Cry of the Children, the, 260. Darien company, the, 661. Davie, Major, conduct of, in Ceylon, 628. Death from the Sting of a Serpent, lines on, 798. Delta, a Vision of the World by, 343 Lines written in the Isle of Bute by, 749. Devil's Frills, the, a Dutch illustration of the water cure, Chap. I. 225 Chap. IT. ib. Chap. III. 227 Chap. IV. 228 Chap. V. 230 Chap. VI. 232. Disturbed Districts of Wales, notes on a tour in the, by Joseph Downes, 766. DOWIIPS, Joseph, tour in the disturbed districts of Wales by, 766. Dutch, landing of the, in Ceylon, 627. Early English Musicians, notices of, 23. Early Greek Romances, the Ethiopics of Heliodorus, 109. Education, institutions for, in Greece, 357. Education, the government scheme of, 548. Emma, lines to, from the German of Schiller, 150. England, the aristocracy of, 51. English music and musicians, 23. Epigram on Dr Toe, &c., 263. Erigena, letter from, to Christopher North, 263. Ethiopics of Heliodorus, account of the, 109. Europe, commercial policy of, 243. Exhibitions, notices of the Royal Aca- demy's, 188 the Suffolk Street gal- lery, 199 paintings in water-colours, 201 the British Institution, 203. Factory bill, the, 548. Fanariotes, character of the, 351. Farewell to the Reader, from the Ger- man of Schiller, 152. Fate of Polycrates, the, 483. France, conduct of, towards Greece, 359. Frederick Schlegel, review of the works and character of, 31 1. Free trade and protective systems, com- parison of the, 248. French academy, 519. French and German works of fiction, comparison between, 672. Fuseli's Lectures at the Royal Academy : his introduction, 691 Lecture I., 69411., 697 III., 703. Game up with the repeal agitation, the, 679. German and French literature, compa- rison between, 672. Gibbons the composer, 24. Gifts of Terek, the, translated from the Russian of Lermontoff, by J. B. Shaw, 799. Gods of Greece, the, from the German of Schiller, 146. Goethe, remarks by, on the Schlegels, 31 1. Great Britain, proceedings of, towards Greece, 359. Greece, present state and prospects of, 345 peculiarities of its inhabitants, 350 its present revenues and expen- diture, 361. Guizot, M., opinion of, on the union of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, 659. Heliodorus, the Ethiopics of, J 09. Heber, Bishop, the Whippiad, a poem, by. Canto L, 100 Canto II., 102 Canto III., 104. Hendia, the history of, 479. Hullah's method of teaching, strictures on, 37. Humboldt, M., on uniting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, 659. Hymn to Joy, from the German of Schiller, 142. Inscription on the foundation stone of the new dining-hall, &c., 79. Invincible Armada, the, from the Ger- man of Schiller, 143. Irish arms bill, the, 549. Jacinto, a scamper in the prairie of, 521. Jack Stuart's bet on the Derby, and how he paid his losses, 67. Jolly Father Joe, a tale from the Golden Legend, 255. Joy, hvmn to, from the German of Schiller, 142. Jury trial in Texas, a, 777. Kamly, description of the district of, 627 its conquest by the British, 632. Kerim Khan, travels of. Part L, 453 Part II., 564 Part. III., 753. King Arthur, Purcell's opera of, and its revival, 25. Last Session of Parliament, review of the, 538 the corn question, 539 the Canadian corn bill, 543 the Scotch church bill, 545 the factory bill, 548 the Irish arms bill, 549. ^ Letter to Christopher North, 263. Lectures at the Royal Academy Henry Fuseli, 691. Lines written in the Isle of Bute, by Delta, 749* Lloyd, Mr, report by, on uniting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, 6(J. Locke, Mathew, the composer, 25. Logic, Mill's elements of, reviewed, 415. Louisiana,adventuresin; the Prairie and