Aberdeen, Lord, remarks on his church
bill, 545.
Adventures in Louisiana, No. I., The
Prairie and the Swamp, 43 No. II.,
The Blockhouse, 234.
Adventures in Texas, No. I., A Scam-
per in the Prairie of Jacinto, 551
No. II., A Trial by Jury, 777.
Ahmed -Kiuprili, career of, 175.
Anti-corn-law League, proceedings of
the, 539.
Ancient Towns, a plea for, against rail-
ways, 398.
Aristocracy of England, the, 51.
Armada, the, from Schiller, 143.
Armansperg, Count, administration of,
in Greeco, 348.
Arne the composer, 26.
Art, British, present state of, 188.
Athens, population, institutions, &c., of,
Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, on the best
means of establishing a communica-
tion between the, 658.
Austria, commerce, &c., of, 251.
Ballads of Schiller, the. See Schiller.
Balzac, M., Two Dreams, a sketch by,
Banking-house, the, a history in three
parts. Part I. Chap. 1., Prospec-
tive, 576 Chap. II., Retrospective,
578 Chap. III., The beginning of
the end, 582 Chap. IV., Miching
mallecho, it means mischief, 585
Chap. V., Matters of course, 588
Chap. VI., A discovery, 592 Chap.
VII., The end of the beginning, 594.
Part II. Chap. I., A negotiation, 719
Chap. II., A lull, 723 Chap. III.,
A sweet couple, 725 Chap. IV., A
speculation, 730 Chap. V., A landed
proprietor, 733.
Bankruptcy of the Greek kingdom, the,
345 means of averting it, 361.
Barrett, Elizabeth B., Cry of the Chil-
dren, by, 260.
Bavarian government of Greece, effects
of the, 345.
Bennett's Ceylon and its capabilities,
review of, 622.
Blockhouse, the, an adventure in Louisi-
ana, 234.
Bridge over the Thur, the. from the
German of Gustav Schwab, 717.
British institution, exhibition at the,
Brownrigg, Sir Robert, conquest of
Kandy/by, 632.
Bulwer, Sir Edward Lytton, Bart.,
translation of the poerns and ballads
of Schiller, by. Part the last, 139.
Love and Death, by, 717.
Bute, lines written in, by Delta, 749.
Byrd, the composer, 24.
Cabinet, the Greek, construction and
powers of the, 350.
Canadian corn bill, the, 543.
Canal, proposed between the Atlantic
and Pacific oceans, 658.
Carlyle's Past and Present, review of,
with notices of his other works, 121.
Ceylon and its capabilities, by Bennett,
review of, 622 its climate, 626
sketch of its history, 627.
Chapters of Turkish History ; No. X.
The Second Siege of Vienna, 173.
Charles Edward at Versailles on the
Anniversary of the Battle of Cullo-
den, a poem, 107.
Chronicles of Paris the Rue St Denis,
Cinghalese, character of the, 627.
Cobden, Mr, refutation of his statements
regarding the colonies, 407, 637
his misrepresentations on the corn
question, 539.
College Theatricals, a talc, 737.
Colonies, the, examination of Cobdeu's
statements regarding, 409, 637.
Commencement of the New Century,
the, from the German of Schiller,
Commercial Intercourse between the
Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, on the
best means of establishing, 658.
Commercial Policy, Europe, 243 ships,
colonies, and commerce, 406 the
same continued, 637.
Comparison of the protective and free-
trade systems, 243, 406, 637.
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