The Picture of Danäe.
Sal. You two must retire:
The exasperated boar has broke his toils,
And now his first rush will be made at me.
(Laura and Ravienna retire into the back ground.)
(Calmari Staggers through the curtain—his lips working convulsively—his eyes flashing—his forehead covered with sweat—his hair and dress in disorder. Beholding Salvator, he rushes up to him and seizes his arm. Salvator frees himself with dignity from his grasp, and steps backward.)
Cal. Traitor! my gold!
Sal. Traitor! you mean yourself;
You are the traitor, and you've suffer'd for it.
Take my advice, good Master Head-Director!
Take my advice, bear your discomfiture
With a good grace, and 'twill be better for you.
Your secret rests with me and with yourself;
No person knows it. But I have the power—
Even at this moment—I've the power to tear
From your base breast the witness of your shame.
(He makes a grasp at Calmari's breast, who steps back, and appears as if he would exculpate himself.)
Say not one word, but thank our joint forbearance —
Mine and Bernardo's—if we don't expose
Your base designs before the whole assembly.
Cal. Where is my gold?
Sal. 'Tis in safe keeping, sir;
And it shall be return'd, provided you
Do not object to what you cannot hinder.
Cal. What must I do?
Sal. My worthy friend Bernardo,
The painter of that picture, loves your ward.
You must bestow her hand on him: he is
Entitled to it by her father's will,
As you yourself inform'd me.
Cal. (striking his forehead ) Fool that I am!
(Then suddenly recollecting,) Yet in the will there is a clause which says,
Provided I object not to the match.
Now, I object.
Sal. But did not you yourself
Apprise the assembly, through the Secretary,
That you intended—ay, this very evening—
To give her hand to him who gain'd the prize?
Cal. Damnation! on all sides I'm circumvented!
Sal. Do not excite yourself, my worthy "brother!"
Embrace my terms, and you shall have your money.
Cal. Where is this friend of yours?
Sal. Behold him yonder.
Cal. Ha! Cimabue—Now I see it all—
Damnation!—Cimabue with the torn
Beard was Bernardo!
(To Bernardo in a voice of entreaty,) Pray, oh, pray withdraw!
The people are already seeking you,
And if they find you here in this disguise,
I shall be thrice befool'd. (He motions him towards the door of his own house.
Sal. Stir not one step—
Leave me alone to manage this affair.
SCENE XII.—SALVATOR. CALMARI. RAVIENNA. LAURA Secretary enters, followed by several painters and spectators.
SEC. (with a wreath of laurel in his hand.) Where is the painter?