Works preparing for Publication.
taining a full and correct account of the
military occurrences of the late war between Great Britain and the United States of Ame- rica; with an appendix of British and Ame- rican official letters, and plates : by Wm Jarmies. Details will be given of all the ac- tions fought between the British and Ame- ricans during the late war ; also of those operations along the coast, and on the bor- ders of the lakes, creeks, and harbours of the United States, in which the two services acted conjointly. The publication of what the publishers call " the Regent's edition" of the Latin Classics, will henceforward be prosecuted with vigour, industry, and perseverance. Livy and Sallust are now in the press, un- der the editorial inspection of Dr J. Carey ; to whom the public are already indebted for the Horace, Catullus, Tibullus, Pro- pertius, Martial, Csesar, Tacitus, and the second edition of the Virgil, with the Opus- cula, recently published. Dr Carey has also in the press the " Eton Latin Prosody" illustrated, with English explanations of the rules, and copious ex- amples from the Latin poets. Mr S. F. Gray has in the press, and near- ly ready, a work intended to serve as a sup- plement to the several Pharmacopoeias. Mr J. Hall of Northampton, has in the press a Free Inquiry into the Practice of Infant Baptism, whether it is not unscrip- tural, useless, and dangerous ; to which are added, some remarks on Mr Belsham's plea for infant baptism. A New Picture of Brussels and its En- virons, with seven engravings, and a Plan of the city, by J. Romberg, will shortly ap- pear Wild Roses, a collection of Poems on va- rious subjects, by Kiltoe, will speedily be published. Anaya, Discours sur les Langues Vivan- tes, a Treatise on the Living Languages, con- taining, in a small compass, the necessary rules tor acquiring a knowledge of them, particularly of the Italian and Spanish, with a treatise on the Difficulties of Italian and Spanish Poetry, has been sent to press. An Essay on Spanish Literature ; con- taining its History, from its commencement in the twelfth century to the present time ; with an account of the best writers, some critical remarks, and a History of the Span- ish Drama, with specimens of the writers of different ages, will soon be published. A small pocket volume is about to be published, on the Police of the Metropolis, descriptive of the means used by knaves to take in and cheat the unwary, to rob the unprotected, and to make a prey of the un- suspecting ; including advice to the unwary, and the means of avoiding the villains which prey upon society. Mrs Lament, of Liverpool, intends pub- lishing, by subscription, Poems and Tales in Verse, in one volume octavo. Mr Bisset, of the Historical Picture Gal- lery at Leamington, has announced for pub- lication a novel work, entitled, a Poetical Gazetteer of all the principal Cities, Bor- oughs, and Seaports, in the United King- dom. An amatory mock-heroic poem, entitled, Secundus Syntax, will be forthcoming in the course of the next month. It is, we are informed, written with considerable hu- mour. Considerations on die Impolicy and Per- nicious Tendency of the present Adminis- tration of the Poor Laws ; with suggestions for improving the condition of the poor ; by the Rev. Charles Jerram, M. A. ; are in the press, and nearly ready for publication. Juvenilia, or Specimens of the early Ef- forts, as a Preacher, of the late Rev. C. Buck ; to which will be subjoined, miscel- laneous remarks, and an obituary of his daughter, edited by J. Styles, D. D. are in a course of forwardness for publication. Letters on the West Indies, by James Walker, Esq. late of Berbice, will soon ap- pear. Sixty-five Sonnets, with prefatory Re- marks on the accordance of the Sonnet with the powers of the English Language, and some miscellaneous poems, will soon be pub- lished. Mr John Matheson is about to publish a New System of Arithmetic, the object of which is to render general the application of decimals to mercantile purposes, and to enable youth to comprehend the theory when they are learning the practice. Speedily will be published, the Entomolo- gist's Pocket Companion ; being an Intro- duction to the knowledge of British Insects, the apparatus used, and best methods of ob- taining and preserving them ; the Genera of Linnaeus, with observations on the mo- dern systems, and a copious Calendar of the time and situations where usually found, of between two and three thousand Insects; by a Practical Collector ; illustrated with nu- merous plates. Mr F. W. Cronhelm is preparing for die press a New Mediod of Book-keeping, double entry by single ; applicable to all kinds of business, and exemplified in five sets of books ; possessing the brevity of single en- try, without its defects ; and die proof of double entry, widiout its redundancies ; and obtains, by two entries, the same results as the Italian system by four. Its universal applicability is proved, by distinct sets of books for retailers, wholesale dealers, man- ufacturers, merchants, and bankers ; die whole comprising a great diversity of the forms and results of business, an improved arrangement of partnership accounts, and a plan of routine which will prevent fraudu- lent entries and erasures : comprised in one volume. The Rev. C. I. Latrobe has in the press a Journal of a Visit to South Africa in 1816,