Works Preparing for Publication.
The Journal of the late Captain Tuckey, on a Voyage of Discovery into the Interior of Africa, to explore the Source of the Zaire, or Congo—with a Survey of that river beyond the cataracts—will soon be published by authority.
The Plays and Poems of James Shirley, now first collected and chronologically arranged, and the text carefully collated and restored, with occasional Notes, and a Biographical and Critical Essay, are preparing for publication; by William Gifford, Esq.; handsomely printed by Bulmer, in 6 vols 8vo. uniformly with Massinger and Ben Jonson.
Specimens of the British Poets, with Biographical and Critical Notices, and an Introductory Essay on British Poetry, are preparing for press; by Thomas Campbell, Esq. author of the Pleasures of Hope, &c. In 4 vols post 8vo.
Mr A. J. Valpy has in the press a new edition of the Greek Septuagint, in one large vol. 8vo. The text is taken from the Oxford edition of Bos, without contractions.—Also, a new edition of Homer's Iliad, from the text of Heyne, with English notes, including many from Heyne and Clarke; one vol. 8vo.—And Catullus, with English notes; by T. Forster, Esq. Jun. 12mo.
A work of Biblical Criticism on the Books of the Old Testament, and Translations of Sacred Songs, with Notes critical and explanatory, will soon appear; by Samuel Horsley, LL.D. F.R.S. F.A.S. late lord bishop of Asaph.
In the course of this month will be published, a Treatise touching the Libertie of a Christian Man; written in Latin, by Dr Martyne Luther, and translated by James Bell; imprinted by R. Newberry and H. Bynneman, 1579; dedicated "to Lady Anne, Countesse of Warwicke;" with the celebrated Epistle from M. Luther to Pope Leo X.: edited by W. B. Collyer, D.D. F.A.S. and dedicated (by permission) to the Duke of Sussex.
Mr Joseph Lancaster has printed proposals for publishing, by subscription, in one volume octavo, a Matter-of-fact Account of many singular and providential Events, which have occurred in his public and private Life.
J. E. Bicheno, Esq. will soon publish an Inquiry in to the Nature of Benevolence, principally with a view to elucidate the moral and political Principles of the Poor Laws.
Mr W. Savage, printer, of London, has issued proposals for publishing, by subscription, Practical Hints on Decorative Printing, with specimens, in colours, engraved on wood; containing instructions for forming black and coloured printing inks—for producing fine press-work—and for printing in colours.
A new edition of Dr Thomson's System of Chemistry is in the press, and will speedily be published. The work will be entirely remodelled, and will be comprised in four octavo volumes.
The second edition of Mr Murray's Elements of Chemical Science is in the press, and will be forthwith published. This edition will contain a succinct and lucid view of those important and beautiful discoveries which have illuminated the rapid and brilliant march of chemistry.
Dr Spurzheim's new work, entitled, Observations on the Deranged Manifestations of the Mind, or Insanity, is in the press.
In a few weeks will be published, a new work, entitled, Boarding-school Correspondence, or a Series of Letters between a Mother and her Daughter at School; a joint production of Mrs Taylor, author of "Maternal Solicitude," "Practical Hints to Young Females," &c. and of Miss Taylor, author of "Display," "Essays in Rhyme," &c.
The Memoirs of John Duke of Marlborough, chiefly drawn from his private correspondence and the family documents preserved at Blenheim, as well as from other authentic sources, never before published, are preparing with all speed by Wm Coxe, archdeacon of Wilts.
An Account of the Island of Java; by Thomas Stamford Raffles, Esq. late lieutenant-governor there. With a map and numerous plates, by Daniel.
Pompeiana, or Observations on the Topography, Edifices, and Ornaments, of Pompeii; by Sir W. Cell and J. P. Gandy, Esq. with numerous engravings, are in the press.
Mr Mill's long expected History of British India is now in the press, and will be published in three 4to volumes.
Journey through Asia Minor, Armenia, and Koordistan, in the years 1813 and 1814; with Remarks on the Marches of Alexander, and the retreat of the Ten Thousand; by John Macdonald Kenneir, Esq. 4to.
Early this present month will be published, a Narrative of a Voyage to Hudson's Bay, in his Majesty's ship Rosamond; containing some account of the North Eastern Coast of America, and of the Tribes inhabiting that remote region; illustrated with plates; by Lieut. Edward Chappell, R.X.
A work on the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, is preparing by David Ricardo, Esq.
An Authentic Narrative is preparing of the Loss of the American brig Commerce, wrecked on the western coast of Africa, in the month of August 1S1.5; with an Account of the sufferings and captivity of her surviving officers and crew, on the great