Literary Romance, fragment of, 382, 465, 573.
Lithography, or art of engraving on stone, method of, 128.
Lovat, Lord, his memorial to George I. 398.
Lyall, Margaret, remarkable case of, 61.
Macbeth, charter granted by him to the Culdees of Lochleven, 85.
Mackenzie, Sir George, of Rosehaugh, account of his MS. History of Scotland, 273.
Mareschal, on the nature and office of, 123.
Marlow's Tragical History of Dr Faustus, remarks on, 388.
Marriages, 119, 227, 339, 450, 557, 670.
Marshal, Billy, a gypsey chief, account of, 462.—Humorous story concerning, 618.
Memorandums of a View-Hunter, 27.—His observations at Dover, 28.—On Shakspeare's Cliff, 373.—Passage to Calais, 374.—Calais, 589.
Meteorological Tables, 118, 226, 338, 448, 556, 665.
—————— Observations, 572.
Milton's Satan, the original of, 140.
Mineral Spring, account of one at Dunblane, 485.
Mitchell, James, the blind and deaf boy, narrow escape of, from drowning, 240.
Modern Greece, a poem, review of, 515.
Montrose, disfranchisement of the burgh of, 544.
Moore's Lalla Rookh, review of, 279, 503.
——— Sacred Songs, review of, 630.
Moorish Privateers in the North Sea, 437.
Mount Blanc, account of a journey to the summit of, 59.
Mudge, Colonel, communication from him respecting the trigonometrical survey of Great Britain, 234.
Music, cursory remarks on, 343, 459.
Musical Museum, Scots, account of, 377.
Natural History, on the study of some branches of, 569.
Navy, British, regulations respecting, 659.
Nelson, Lord, erection of a pillar to his memory at Yarmouth, 660.
New Coin, description of the, 212, 216.
Newfoundland, distressing fire there, 649.
Niger, failure of the expedition to, and death of Captain Campbell, 651.
Nugæ Literariæ, 484.
O'Connor, Roger, arrest of, on a charge of mail-coach robbery, 330.—His trial and acquittal, 660.
Parliament opened on 28th January, 102.—The Regent's message on the state of the country, 103.—Numerous petitions for reform in, 208.—Resignation of the Speaker, 542.—Suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act, 654.—Prorogued by the Prince Regent, 655.
Pastoral Life, tales and anecdotes of, 22, 143, 247.
Patents lately enrolled, 440.
Plants, on the vegetative power in the seeds of, 239.
Pernambuco, insurrection there, 431.—The rebels defeated and put down, 532.
Pirates, a number of them executed at Constantinople, 649.—Account of their excesses in the Persian Gulf, 651.
Poetical Epistles, review of, 626.
Poetry, Original.—The Desolate Village 70.—Italy, 71.—Verses on the final Victory over the French, 72.—A last Adieu—The Past—The Mossy Seat, 169.—A Night Scene—Lines written in Spring, 170.—The Mermaid; from the German—Greece; from the French, 171.—Sonnet to the Yew Tree—The Wreath—Song—The Burial of Sir John Moore, 277.—The Moss Rose—The two Graves, 278.—The Captive Lark—Sonnets, &c. 404.—The Lesson; from the German, 405.—Lines written in a Highland Glen—The Widowed Mother—On Domestic Happiness, 501.—Sonnets—On Friendship—On the Grave of a Child, 502.—On the Death of a Young Lady, 623.—Passage through the Desert—A Fairy Ballad, 624.—To the Memory of a very Promising Child, 625.
Poland, military conscription in, 99.—Emigrations from Scotland to, 543.
Pompeii, on the researches at, 372.
Poor, communication on the subject of their relief, 241.—Method of supplying them with soup at Geneva, 387.—On the education of their children, 474.
Pope, The, issues a bull against bible societies, 201.—Concordat between him and the King of France, 647.—Authorises the King of Spain to levy a subsidy on the property of the church, 647.
Port-au-Prince, explosion of a magazine by lightning there, 651.
Portugal, conspiracy in Lisbon discovered and defeated, 428.—Trial of the conspirators, 647.
Prince Regent, his speech on opening Parliament, 102.—Attack upon his coach by a London mob, 111.—His Speech on proroguing Parliament, 655.
Printing Presses established in Constantinople, 649.
Printing Press, account of Mr Ruthven's new one, 125.
Printing, Scottish, documents relating to, 621.
Prussia, the King of, visits Paris under the title of Count Ruppin, 647.
Public accounts, 441.
Publications, list of new ones, 90, 196, 310, 424, 529, 643.
Quebec, numerous emigrants from Britain to, 650.
Review of Chalmers's Discourses, 73.—Of Harold the Dauntless, a poem, 76.—Of Armata, a fragment, 78.—Of Stories for Children, 79.—Of the Duchess of Angou-