Accident, dreadful one in a coal-pit, 546.
Adam, the late Dr, letter of Dr Vincent respecting, 260.
Africa, failure of the expedition to the Congo, 101—Unfavourable account of that to the Niger, 434—Its failure, 651.
Agricultural Reports, 116, 224, 336, 447, 554, 605.
Algiers, the plague raging there, 651.
Alloa, Shakspeare club of, 152.
Amber imbedded in limestone, 483.
Amelia Island seized by M'Gregor, an insurgent chief, 533.
America, United States of, speech of the President, and proceedings of the Congress, 99. —Speech of the new President, Mr Munro, 204.—Emigrations from Europe to, 649,
——— South, vacillating state of the contest there, 100, 204—nsurrection at Pernambuco, and revolution in Chili, 431.—Success of the insurgents in Caraccas, 533.
American Commissioners, their report on a steam vessel of war, 30.
Analytical Notices—Of the Edinburgh Review, 81, 300—The Quarterly Review, 83, 296—Supplement to Encyclopedia Britannjca, 180—Edinburgh Encyclopaedia, 186.
Angouleme, Duchess of, review of her journal, 172.
Animal Magnetism, observations on, 563.
Antiquarian Repertory, 65, 167, 398, 496, 621.
Antiquaries, anecdotes of, 136.
Appointments, Promotions, &c. 219, 330, 442, 549, 662.
Aristus and Deinus, story of 367.
Armata, review of, 78.
Army, British, strength of, in the colonies, 435.
Auchtermuchtie, wife of, a favourite old ballad, 87.
Australasia, maritime discoveries in, 493.
Austria, account of a new religious sect there, 202.
Banks for Savings, on the constitution and moral effects of, 17.— Extension of the system, 327.
Barbadoes, fall of volcanic dust there, 134.
Bath Stove, curious old handbill respecting one at Leith, 500.
Beaufoy, Colonel, account of his journey to Mount Blanc, 59.
Berlin, destruction of the national theatre there by fire, 648.
Bible Societies, bull of the Pope against them, 201.
Bingley's Useful Knowledge, review of, 178.
Births, 119, 227, 339, 450, 557, 670.
Black Dwarf, some account of the supposed original of, 235.
Blasphemous Works, Government circular respecting, 326.
Bonaparte complains of his rigorous treatment in St Helena, 101—Account of daily provisions served to him, 216.—Conversation between him and Lord Amherst, 651.
——— Joseph, purchases an estate in America, 649.
Bond of Alliance between the Earls of Huntley, Marischall, and Errol, 498.
Bowed Davie, the original of the "Black Dwarf," account of, 235.
Bower of Spring, a poem, review of, 415.
Bread and Salt, oath of, 236.
British Legislation, 218, 439.
Buchanan, review of Irving's Life of, 286.
Byron, Lord, review of his drama of Manfred, 289.
Carr Rock, account of a stone beacon erecting on it, 358.
Chain-bridge, account of one at Dryburgh, 660.
Chalmers's Discourses review of, 73.
Chartulary of Kelso, extracts from, 496.
Chepman, Walter, printer, documents relating to, 621.
Chili, successful revolution there, 431, 650.
Chimney-sweepers, trial of one for murdering his apprentice, 547.
China, failure of the British embassy to the court of, 205.—Statistical account of the empire, 433.
Clark, Lady Mary, anecdote by, of the Highlanders in 1745, 129.
Cleland, Colonel, extracts from his mock poem on the Highland Host, 69.—Some account of his life and poems, 608.
Cobbett, Mr, leaves England for America, 217.—His address to the public, 323.
Coleman's Eccentricities for Edinburgh, review of, 417.
Colonial Policy, observations on the British system of, 25.
Combustion, chemical process of, 138.
Commercial Reports, 113, 221, 333, 444, 551, 667.
Congo River, failure of the expedition sent to explore it, 101.
Correspondence between Montrose, Queensberry, and Graham of Claverhouse, 499.
Cotton Yarn, on the exportation of, 472.
Craniad, The, or Spurzheim illustrated, a poem, review of, 280.
Craniology, observations on the controversy on, 35.—Defence of Dr Spurzheim, 365.
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