Register.—Commercial Report.
Alphabetical List of English Bankruptcies, announced between 1st and 30th April 1817, extracted from the London Gazette.
Newbold, D. Birmingham, tinplate-worker
Newman, Thos. Allan, Newgate Street, London, printer
Orme. J. H. Liverpool, brewer
Parker, R. Manchester, victualler
Parsley, J. G. Great Yarmouth, baker
Peet, T. Nottingham, linen draper
Pendray, W. Houinin, mercer
Penniston, R. & J. Hornecastle, brickmakers
Perry, S. C. Birmingham, coal-dealer
Phillips, J. Llangattoek, Vivon Abel, timber merchant
Piper, W. Hammersmith, barge-builder
Purday, T. Margate, stationer
Pullan, Richard, Leeds, merchant
Ratcliffe, E. Cambridge, shop-keeper
Reilly, J. Manchester, merchant
Ridley, H. Ovington, woodmonger
Rimmer, J. Liverpool, brewer
Roads, William, Oxford, grocer
Rhodes, John, stockport, Cheshire, cotton manufacturer
Sadler, F. Wilmslow, calico manufacturer
Saunders, W. Manchester, mercer
Shaw, J. Peudleton, cotton merchant
Slack, J. Salford, printer
Shaw, J. Bond Street, London, carpet manufacturer
Smith, D. jun. and J Hampshire, Kirkburton, Scribbling, millers
Solomon, H. Charing Cross, silversmith
Somersall, J. & G. Walsall, awl-blade makers
Steel, J Sheffield, grocer
Steward, T. Brandon, grocer
Suple, J. B. Bridgewater, linen draper
Smith, Justin, Bath, broker
Sayer, Thomas, Huntsham, Devon, lime-burner
Stoneham, Jesse, Beckford Row, Surrey, cheese-monger
Tarn, M. & S. Leamington, millers
Teasdale, R. Cumberland, sheep-dealer
Thomas, G. Bristol, turpentine distiller
Thomas, T. Hoxton, merchant
Thompson, J. Over, salt manufacturer
Tomkins, S. Plymouth, draper
Trathan, J. J. Falmouth, stationer
Uhr, A. R. Swan Lane, London, merchant
Verdenholm, Geo. William, White's Yard, Rosemary Lane, London, sugar-refiner
Wibberley, J. Manchester, draper
Wright, H. C. Portsea, merchant
Williams, J. Morgan, Dowgate Hill, London, and Amsterdam, merchant
Wilson, John, late of Gibraltar, now of Sydney Street, Goswell Street Road, London, merchant