Confessions of Witchcraft.
terit in; thair scho stayit thrie clayis, viz. fra thurisday till sonday at xij houris. Scho mett a man with ane grey beird, quha brocht her furth agane.
Item—That same day John Roch deponit that about that same tyme he beand in James Chrystie the wrichtis buith, caussing the wricht mak ane cradill to him, becaus his wyff wes neir the down lying, the said Issobell Haldane com by, desyreit him not, to be sa hastie, for he neidit not.; his wyff sould nocht be lichter till that tyme fyve-oulkis, and then the bairne suld neuer ly in the craidill, bot be borne, bapteisit, and neuer sook, bot die and be tayne away: And as the said Issobell spak sa it cam to pass in euerie poynt.—The said Issobell being demandit how scho knew that, answerit that the man with the grey beird tauld her.
Item—The said Johne Roch deponit that Mart. Buchannane, spous to Dauid Reid, being in helth at her ordinare wark, the said Issoll Haldane come to hir and desyreit hir mak hir for deith, for befoir Fastingis evin, qlk wes within few dayis, scho suld be taikin away: And as scho said, so it wes befoir that terme the woman died.—Being askit how scho knew the terme of hir lyfe, the said Issoll answerit scho hed speirit it at yt same man with the grey beird, and he hed tauld her.
(May 16.)—Patrick Ruthuen, skynner in Perth, compeirit and declairit, that he being wychit be Margaret Hormscleuch, Issobell Haldane com to see him: scho com in to the bed and streichit hir self abone him, hir heid to his heid, hir handis ower him, and so furth, mumbling some wordis, he knew nocht quhat they war.—The said Issobell confessit the said cure, and deponit, that before the said Patrick wes wychit scho met him, and foirbad him to go till scho had gone with him.
(May 19.)—Compearit Stephen Ray in Muretoun, and deponit that time yeiris syne that Issoll Haldane hauing stollin sum bere furth of the Hall of Balhouffye he followit hir and brocht hir bak agane: Scho chaipit him on the schulder, saying—Go thy way, thow sall not win thy self ane bannok of breid for yeir and day: And as scho threttinit sa it cam to pas; he dwynit hauelie diseiseit.—The said Issobell confessis the away taking of the bere, the diseise of the man; and affirmeis that onlye scho said—He that delyuerit me from the farye folk sail tak amendis on thé.
Item—The same day scho confest scho maid thrie seuerall kaikis, euerie ane of them of ix curneis of meill gotten fra ix wemen that wer maryit madynis; maid ane hoill in the crown of euerie ane of theme, and pat ane bairne throw it thrie tymes in the name of * * * * * *[1] to wemen that pat the saidis bairneis thryse throw backwand wseing the saidis wordis.
Item—The said Issobell confest that scho went silent to the well of Ruthuen and returneit silent, bringing watter frome thence to wasch John Gowis bairne: quhen scho tuik the watter frome the well scho left ane pairt of the bairneis sark at it, qlk scho tuik with hir for that effect, and quhen scho cam ham scho wousch the bairne thairwith. Inlyk maner scho confest scho hed done the elyk to Johne Powryis bairne.
(May 27.)—The said Issoll confessit that scho hed gewin drinkis to cure bairneis; amangis the rest that Dauid Moreis' wyff com to hir, and thryse for Goddis saik askit help to hir bairne thet wes ane scharge; aud scho send furth hir sone to gather sochsterrie leaveis, quhairof scho directit the bairneis mother to mak ane drink: Bot the bairneis mother deponit that the said Issoll Haldane, on being requirit cam to hir house and saw the bairne, said it wes an scharge taikin away, Tuik on hand to cure it, and to that effect gaiff the bairne a drink, efter the ressait qr of the bairne shortlie died.
- ↑ Scil. 'in nomine Dei Patris et Filú et Spiritus Sancti.