LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. ^V FACING PAGE LXXL— Red-breasted Nuthatch ; White-breasted Nuthatch 176 LXXII. — Golden-crowned Kinglet ; Ruby-crowned Kinglet . 178 LXXIIL— Veery 180 LXXIV.— Wood Thrush 182 LXXV.— Hermit Thrush 184 Figures in the Text. FIG. PAGE 1. Restoration of the Archteopteryx, a toothed, reptilelike bird of the Jurassic period 3 2. End of spearlike tongue of Pileated Woodpecker . . .14 3. Tip of tail of (a) Downy Woodpecker, (6) Brown Creeper, to show the pointed shape in tails of creeping birds of different families 16 4. Young Hoatzin, showing use of hooked fingers in climbing . 17 5. Short, rounded wing and large foot of Little Black Rail, a ter- restrial bird 18 6. Long, pointed wing and small foot of Tree Swallow, an aerial bird 18 7. Frigate-bird 19 8. Great Auk, showing relatively small wing . . . .31 9. Wing of Woodcock, showing three outer attenuate feathers . 24 10. Jacana, showing spurred wing and elongated toes . . .24 11. Tail-feathers of Motmot {Momotussubrufescens showing newly grown feathers and results of self-inflicted mutilation . 26 12. Lobed foot of Coot {Fulica americana), a swimming bird of the Rail family 27 13. Lobed foot of a Phalarope {CrymopMlus fulicarins), a swim- ming bird of the Snipe family 27 14. Flamingo, showing relative length of legs and neck in a wad- ing bird 28 15. Foot of Fish Hawk, showing large claws and spicules on under surface of toes 29 16. Naked toes of Ruffed Grouse in summer ; fringed toes of Ruffed Grouse in winter 29 17. Decurved bill of Sickle-bill Hummingbird , . . .31 18. Serrate bill of Merganser, a fish-eating bird . . . ,32 19. Probelike bill of Woodcock, showing extent to which upper mandible can be moved 32 20. Recurved bill of Avocet 32 21. Bill of Spoonbill Sandpiper 33