b. Crown not rufous or chestnut. i'. Lencrth 6'75 inches; crown blackish, with a central whitish stripe; throat white ; breast gray ; a yellow spot before the eye ; haunts in and about thickets and bushy woodlands; song, a high, clear, musical whistle; call-note, chink. White-throateu Spakkow, page 143. i». Length 520 inches; bill slender; a white line over the eye; tail carried erect ; haunts reedy marshes ; call-note scolding ; song rippling; May to Oct. LoNG-BiLLEu Marsh Wren, page 177. , Under parts white or whitish, streaked or spotted. A. Back streaked. a. Length 6-10 inches ; outer tail-feathers white, showing conspicuously when the bird flies ; haunts dry fields and roadsides ; song musical ; Apl. to Nov Vesper Sparrow, page 141. b. Outer tail-feathers not white. b^. Length 6-30 inches ; breast with numerous spots tending to form one large spot in its center; haunts on or near the ground, generally in the vicinity of bushes; call-note, chiinp; song musical; a per- manent resident Song Sparrow, page 138. 6». Length 6-35 inches; breast grayish with one spot in its center; Oct. to Apl Tree Sparrow, page 146. R Back not streaked ; breast spotted. a. Length 11-40 inches; tail 5-00 inches; wing-bars white; upper parts, wings, and tail bright cinnamon-brown ; haunts undergrowth ; sings from an exposed and generally elevated position ; song loud, striking, and continuous ; Apl. 25 to Oct. . . Brown Thrasher, page 175. b. Length under 9-00 inches ; tail under 3-00 inches ; no wing-bars ; back reddish or cinnamon-brown. J'. Length 8-25 inches; bi-east and sides heavily marked with large, round, black spots ; head and upper back brighter than lower back and tail ; call-note, a sharp pit or liquid quirt ; May to Oct. Wood Thrush, page 184. 62. Length 7"15 inches; breast with wedge-shaped black spots; sides unspotted., washed with brownish ashy : tail reddish brown, brighter than back; call-note, a low chvck Apl. 10 to May 10; Oct. and Nov Hermit Thrush, page 185. Js. Length 7-50 inches ; upper breast lightly spotted with small, wedge- shaped, brownish spots ; tail the same color as the back ; sides white ; call-note, a clearly whistled wheeu ; May to Sept. "Wilson's Thrush, page 183. c. Length under 9-00 inches ; tail under 3-00 inclies ; no wing-bars ; back olive-green. c-». Length 6-10 inches ; center of crown pale brownish bordered by black; haunts on or near the ground in woodland; a walker; song, a ringing crescendo, teacher, teacher, teacher, TEACHER, T'^.^CZT^A'; May to Sept Oven-bird, page 170.