d. Length 7-45 inches; upper parts olive-green; no wing-burs; a white line before the eye; haunts thickets and undergrowth ; song, a strik- ing mixture of whistles, c/mcks, and caws, sometimes uttered" on the wing; May to Sept Yellow-bkeastei) Chat, page 172. R Under parts streaked with reddish brown ; length 5-00 inches ; gen- eral appearance of a yellow bird ; haunts shrubbery of lawns, orchards, second growths, and particularly willows near water ; song, rather loud, wee, chee-chee-chee, oher-we'e, or chee-chee-chee-chee, way-o ; May to Sept. Yellow Wakijlek, page 168. C. Breast yellow, with a conspicuous black crescent; length 10-75 inches; haunts fields and meadows, largely terrestrial ; flight quail-like, outer tail-feathers white, showing when on the wing ; song, a loud, musical whistle ; a permanent resident Meadowlauk, page 136. 2. Throat wliitc. A. With yellow on the sides. a. Length 5'50 inclics ; rump yellow ; breast streaked or spotted with black ; tail-feathers marked with white; note, a characteristic tcMp; Sept. to May, usually rare or local in winter. Myrtle Wakbler, page 1G8. b. Length 5-00 inches ; no black on under parts or white in the tail ; yel- low extending along the whole sides; back olive-green, iris white; haunts thickets ; call, an emphatic " Who are you, eh ? " ; May to Oct. WiiiTE-EYED Vtrko, page 1U5. c. Length 5-25 inches ; tail and wings banded with yellow, showing conspicuously in flight ; haunts woodland ; movements active, much in the air, tail frequently spread; May to Oct. Kedstart, page 109. B. No yellow on sides. a. Length 6'75 inches ; a yellow line from the bill to the eye ; crown black, with a white stripe through its center ; haunts in and about thickets and bushy woodlands ; song, a high, clear, musical whistle; call-note, cJdnk White-throated Sparrow, page 143. h. Length 4-00 inches ; a yellow, or yellow and orange crown-patch, bor- dered by black ; flits restlessly about outer limbs of trees and bushes ; note, a fine ti-ti ; Oct. to Apl. Golden-crowned Kinolet, page. 181. 3. Throat neither yellow nor white. A. Length 12-00 inches ; white rump and yellow in wings showing con- spicuously in flight ; a black breast-band ; note, a loud Ic'ee-yer. Flicker, page 116. B. Length 9-00 inches ; crested ; breast ashy, belly yellow ; tail-feathers largely pale brownish red ; haunts upper branches in woodland ; note, a loud questioning or grating whistle ; May to Sept. Crested Flycatcher, page 123. C. Length 7-50 inches ; throat and licad black ; breast, belly, and lower back deep orange; haunts fruit and shade trees ; song, a loud, ringing whistle ; May to Sept Baltimore Oriole, page 131. D. Length 7-20 inches ; crested ; grayish brown ; a black line through the eye ; tail tipped with yellow ; generally seen in small flocks ; noto thin and weak Cedar Waxwing, page IGl.