2. Length 4-50 inclies; back gray, cap black, a blackish streak through the face ; under parts reddish brown; note, high and tliin, like the tone of a penny trumpet; Sept. to Apl. RED-uKEAaTEu Nuthatch, page 181. 3. Length 5-25 inches ; upper parts streaked black and white ; note, a thin wiry see-see-see-gee ; Apl. 25 to Oct. Black anu white Warbler, page 1G7. II. Birds with stifHy pointed tail-feathers, that always climb upward. 1. Length 5-65 inches; plumage dull brown and black; size small, bill slender ; an inconspicuous bird who winds his way up the trunks search- ing for insects' eggs, etc. ; note, fine and squeaky ; Sept. 25 to Apl. Bkown Creeper, page 178. 2. Plumage with more or less white, size larger, bill stouter, chisel-like, often used in hammering. A. Length 9-75 inches ; head red, back black ; flight showing a large white patch in the wing . . . Ked-headed Woodpecker, page 116. B. Length 12-00 inches; crown gray ; a red band on the nape ; flight showing a white patch on the lower back and yellow in the wings ; often flushed from the ground ; note, h>e-yer . . Flicker, page 116. C. Length 6"75 inches ; crown black ; back and wings black and white ; note, a sharp peek Downy Woodpecker, page 115. THIRD GROUP. BIRDS NOT INCLUDED IN THE PRECEDING GROUPS. {Blackbirds, Orioles, Sparrows, Vireos, Warblers, Thrushes, etc.) Section I. With yellow or orange in the plumage. Section II. With red in the plumage. Section III. With blue in the plumage. Section IV. Plumage conspicuously black, or black and white. Section V. Birds not included in the preceding sections. I. With yello-w or orange in the plumage. 1. Throat yellow. A. Throat and breast pure yellow, without streaks or spots. a. Length 5-10 inches ; cap, wings, and tail black ; back yellow ; song canarylike, sometimes uttered on the wing ; flight undulating, fre- quently accompanied by the notes chic-o-ree, per-chic-o-ree ; a per- manent resident Am. Goldfinch, page 148. I. Length 5-95 inches ; lower belly and wing-bars white ; back olive- green ; frequents the upper branches, generally in woodland ; actions deliberate ; song loud and musical, uttered slowly, often with pauses : " See me ? I'm here ; where are you ? " ; May to Sept. Yellow-throated Vireo, page 165. c. Length 5-25 inches ; cheeks and forehead black, bordered by ashy ; upper parts olive-green ; no wing-bars ; haunts thickets and under- growth ; movements nervous and active ; call-note pit or chack ; song, a vigorous, rapid witch-e-w'ce-o, witch-e-tvee-o ; May to Oct. Maryland Yellow-throat, page 171.