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Book News

record 0! the past year may be taken as a guarantee of the standard for 190;. This is certainly very satisfactory as far as illus- trations are concerned, ii the lroulispieee of the Calilornia vttltnra lrom a drawing by Fuertes and the hall-tones from Beck's photographs or Galapagos Island birds are samples of the illustrations which are to follow.

Under the title. 'Atield at Flathead.‘ Silloway contributes some interesting note: on several birds, and reports on the condi- tion of the colony ol Holboell‘s Grebes at Swan Lake during the past summer. Mail- liard publishes some important rerords .mp— plementary to Grinnell'a ‘(theclt List ol California Birds.‘ and inrltltlestlle first rec- nrd of the occurrence of the Rusty Black- bird (Smlervphagur (aw/inn!) in tile state. Swath discusses the subspecies of Cactus Wrens which have been recently described. and also records the capture of a Scott’s Oriole in the San Fernando Valley on November 2. I903. Under the name of Rrgulu: :a/(ndlllu rimrurtm Grinnell de- scribes the Ruhywrott'ned Kinglet from Mt. Wilson. Los Angeles county. Cal.v as a netv subspeciex. The number closes with a 'Direnfory ol Members of the Cooper Ornithological Club,‘ from which it appears that the Club now has about zoo members and since its organization has last i; ntemr her: by death.—T. 5. Pl

BULLETIN or 'rnr. MICHIGAN kal'rtto- LOGICAL Cutler—Four quarterly numbers of the revived ‘Michigan Bulletin ' have been issued, completing Volume IV. These are creditany edited and contain many valuable contributions, relating mainly to the orni- thology ol the state which the Club repre- Sen".

Perhaps the most important paper in the june number is that by Mr. A. B. Covert. on ‘Tlle Recent Capture of a Kirtland's Warbler in hiichigan.‘ and several supple- mentary notes describing the discovery of the nest and eggs of this rare bird by N. A. Wood. In the September number, besides several papers dealing with the nesting of various birds in the state. we have an in- teresting remin scene: by Mr. James B.

and Reviews 7t

Ptltdy on 'The Passenger Pigeon in the Early Days of Michigan.‘ in which he dc» scribes the methods of trapping lithe birds in vogue (lilting his boyhood.

In the December number of the Bulletin Mr, J. Warren jacobs contributes some supplementary 'Purple Martin Notes.’ir0nl Waynesburg. Pa. while E. u. Muntrnery writes of the 'Nesling oi the \VItilc-breastctl Nlllhatch,‘ and Edwl Arnold on the Sand- llill Crane. Numerous shorter notes testify to the Icllvilv of the Cluh.‘W. S.

JUUKXAI. nr THE MAN: URNI'I'HUHKHCAI. SDCIET The january number marks the beginnlng of Val. VI, under the editorship of Mr. Merton Swain. The Journal has been largely devoted to [oral ornitltologv

and has increased in sive and importance Mr. ‘Notes on Finches.‘ while an account of the

since the organization of the Socielv. A H. Nortnn continues Maine eighth annual meeting of the Society. sev- eral popular articles aml aomt- local notes makeup the number.

It would mm particularly desirable that the various journals now issued by local ornithologival clubs should—as they do in a measure.—dcvote themselves exclusively to the birds of their own or immediately :td- joining slates, liar value in our ornithological literature and have a definite lunction to fulfill— \\'. 5.


Tilly Ihus acquire a pecu-

VVE take pleastlrein announcing that Mr, \Vitmer Stone has joined Blun»l.on2's loree oi reviewers.

THE November, I903, issue of the Bulle- tin of the New York Public Library (VIIv lt. pp. 4o7—“6l contains a series at letters written by Sir Charles Blagden to Sir joseph Banks, while tlte iormer, as an om. cer in the British Navy. was stationed at Charleston. Reedy Island. Delaware. New York and Newport during the Revolution. These letters contain much interesting natural history material, and an annotated list of specimens. chiefly of birds and fish collected in Rhode Island. is oi genuine scientific value.

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