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The Warbler Book 63

to it? How long after leaving the nest do the young birds remain under the care of the parents? How do the parents endeavor to protect the young? By scolding, direct attack, or feigning lame. etc. Have the young any characteristic calls? Is more than one brood reared in a season?

The writer earnestly hopes that he will receive the active cooperation of bird students in securing information regarding the habits of \Varblers, along the lines suggested above, Do not neglect sending your observations because they are incomplete, Every fact will be welcomed and full credit will be given for all material used. Let us make this book of the Warblers a thoroughly representative and satisfactory piece of work, and lose no op- portunity during the coming nesting season to add to our knowledge of these birds.

Bird Lists of the Massachusetts Audubon Society

In order to encourage systematic observation on the part of its members, the Massachusetts Audubon Society supplies them with check-lists of birds, with blanks to fill in the locality and date at which the species noted was seen or heard,

The best ten lists covering the period from January r. r903, to January 1. 1904. which have been returned to the secretary of the society, were prepared by the following observers: Pupils Tarbell Grammar school. 92 species: Louise Howe. 94 species: Catharine Cravath Whitaker, loo spe- cies; James Lee Peters. rot species; Samuel D. Robins, r07 species: Lilian Cleveland. 117 species: Elizabeth S. Hill, 120 species: Richard M. Hunt. 128 species: Isabel B, Holbrook. r32 species: Lilian E. Bridge, r56 species. All these lists are based on observations at several localities. The highest number of birds recorded from one place is eighty by Edwin Leonard, at Feeding Hills (Agawam). Mr. Leonard writes that all but one of these were seen or heard on his own premises. mostly about his house.

Books for sale or Exchange


Studer's ‘ Birds of North America,‘ with one hundred nineteen colored Plate; E. Gr IVES, Dart/Jen". Alan.

BACK NUMBERS or ‘THE AUK‘ I would like to dispose of all my early volumes and back numbers of ‘The Auk' (unbound and in good condition) at a very moderate price. Run A. T. GESNER. Faribault. Alliflflllfl'fl.

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