< Page:Bird-lore Vol 06.djvu
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58 Bird - Lore


No. 0! years‘ Avoragr dale at Lalesl date at last

""5 rrrorrl Ins! nnc seen nnr seen North River, P. E. l. . r r . r . . , . 4 Sept. 5 September r3, 1890 St. John, N. B. r r . . . . . . . , , , 6 Sept. r; September 25, r89: Southern Maine . . r . . . . t . r . . 7 Sepia 27 October 2, 1898 Fitchburg, Mass. . . . . . . . . . . . October 9,1898 Portland, Conn, . . , . . . . . . October 20, XXX! Southeastern New York , . . . . . . 5 Oct, 4 October 15, 1887 Renova,Pa.. . . , , . r . , . . , . 7 Oct.7 October r2, r899 Germanmwn, Pa. . r . . . , , . . . . 5 Oct. 3 October rs, rsss

Washington. D. c. . . . , , , . . . , October 20, rsgo

Raleigh, N, C. . . . . . . , . . . . . 5 Oct. 3 October 16, r893

Ottawa, Ont. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Sept. 27 Octaber 8, 1887

Chicago, Ill. . . . . . . . . . . 9 Sept. 27 October 12, 1894.

Eubank. Ky. . . , . . , , . . . i . October .4, 1891 New Orleans, La . . , . . . . . . . t October 25. r899


Arrived near San. Antonio, Tex,, March 13, 1895, March 10, 1896, March 9, 1897, March 13, 1898, March 14. 1900. Average, March 12.


Wilson‘s Warbler has been separated into three subspecies, an eastern form (Wilrunia pusilla) extending west to -the great plains; a Rocky Mountain form (Wi/tania purilla pileolnla). and a Pacific form (Wilsnnia pusilla rhryseola) .

The range will be sufficient to indicate which form is intended in each of the following notes: ‘

Not 0! years' Average Art: 0! Earliest dare a!


record spring arrival spring arriva| Allaulir Clim— Rising Fawn, (3a.. . . . . . . . . . May r, 1885 Raleigh, N. Cr . . . . . , , . . . . 3 May is May 11,1893 French Creek, wt \la. . . . . . , , . 2 May in May 9,1893 Washington, D. C. a, May 9 May 8,1888 Englewoad, N. J, 3 May .3 May n, 1902 Baavrr,Pa....,,.......r a Mayls May 8,1889 Eaerartlord, Conn . . , . . . . , . . 7 May-:3 May r0,1894 Eastern Massachusetts r . . . . . . r w May 17 May In, r897 Southern New Hampshire. . . . . . . 6‘ May :7 May 13.1898 Southern New Brunswick. . . . . . . 7 May 26 May r9, x887 Gudhuut, Que. . . . . . . , . . . . June 3, 1884 Hamilton River, Que. . . . . . . . . - Maya! Mirrr‘riwi I/n/Iry - l

5:. Lmlis,Mu., . . . . . . r . . . .1 5 May 5 April 29, 1385 Chicago, Illr . . , . . . . . . . . , r, May 14 May 10,1902 Waterloo, Ind. . . . . . . . . . . . a May is May 10, 1903 Soulhcrn Michigan . , . . . . . . . . a May 17 May rr. rm ()lrau'a, 0m. | r7 May 20 May 1+, 1893

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