< Page:Bird-lore Vol 06.djvu
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The Whip-poor-will as

Nothing more was done or was the ne~t \Islll'tl hi me again until July 4t The exact location of the nesr being known. I had ltnpt'd to he able to make an exposure of the old bird upon the nest. ()wlng m the darkness of the woods and the wildness of the old bird, I was not ~llt‘t’1e'xSI-Hl in doing this when I first approached and found [lH' old bird upon the nesr. She flew at once, and l beheld two little hunt'ht-s of >\tlpl\ur»tel|o\\' «*Iiddled in the spot from whieh she had flown. Some exposures were made of [l1t' young. as shown in the El"). Two half eugrshells were still in the ne t.

Determined. if ptwssihle. to get a pit-ture of the old bird, I )0! the


ten feet IHVIH’, ioeused it upon the young and went awai for uur noon

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lunch. being gone about an hour. Returning, I walked on I!) though going by the nest but close enough [0 the camera so as to press the hulht The old bird was upon the nest, and in this war I obtained the pieture as shown in the cut. The old Whiprpoorrwill \V2I> looking directli at the camera. and. as a result. is not easily seen in the pirture. Never did we see but the one \Vhip-poor-will about the nest. From the appearant‘e of the young, they could not have been more than a few data old. It was with diflir eulty that the) were seen among the leaves when one it s within ett-n lltrt'e feet. And the old hirtl upon the nest could hardlv he seen unless one knew the e\aet spot where she sat. It was with great regret that I could not reA main and study this household on up to maturiti. The “'hip-pnorru'ills are plentiful in this section. but this is IIH‘ first nt'\[ of this gnud bird,

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