< Page:Bird-lore Vol 06.djvu
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’QL'be flunubon 50mm:

-- m rumml my. a rcalprlfimi Me )ael'r soul, Not m m mu rml't mug."


Communications relating to the work ttl the Audubon and other Bird Protective Ftot'letles should

he addressed In Mrs. \"ri|{lll.1|l tlleltl. t'uull.

Repurh’. are. designed for lhls department ~hu|l|l| he

sent at least one month prior to the dalt-or publlcatlon,


With nut-ne- and addreuea of their Secretarie-

Cllflorn Color-do connecticut

llluflluutll ailment. .. Minot-xi Nebraska New HIIIIDI ire New Janey. New York North Carollna Ohio...

Rhoda Iahnd loll!!! Cit-viii:- Thane-e: Vermont Vlrflnh . Wilmnsln . Wynn-int

“Keep on Pedaling!"

Ten years ago, when the world and his wife were striving to master the vacilla g bicycle, the constant cry of the pets ing instructor who ran beside was, "Keep on pedaling; if you stop you‘re a goner!"

This con elegant advice applies to many things besides wheeling—and espe- cially tn the work of bird protection. At tlte present moment thirty»odd Audubon Societies are more or less securely mounth and started ttpon the right rord: but if. in addition to "keeping on pedaling." they

. Mus n.2, h'flEéLELLAND.BzoV\t st Ninth ~lreet.Cltlcinnati.

.lvtts. Envittn ROBINS. to South Twenty-first street. Philldelphi

.\lt<s. (inuktzfi S. In Redlands t‘lrts. Martha A. Sums. Denver Must WILLIAM BROWN CLOVER Fairfield.

MR5. Wu. 5, HlLLss. Delamore place, Wilmington. .st, Jot-IN DEWHL‘RST PArrRN, 2m )1 street, Washington

.Mus l VANllanOL. Maillnnd. so: H. 3.511san .t.lt=.xpe-mne. .

.Mlss Mm DRUMMOND. 20x West street, Wheaten.

,w. w. \NouLEN. lndlanapol . Mas. L. E. Fm. Keokuk. M th-tu (Lam .Hmderson.

ltss ANNA Pk.an l44llArnlit-lla 51.. New Orleans,

MRS. C. B. TUTTI.E. Fairlield

tss ANNE Wbs‘ros WHITNH, 7x5 5!. Paul slreet. Baltimore. .MISS Hunter E. thmnos. care Boston Socie|y ol‘ Natural History, Boston. ..Mlss SARAH L. PUrNAM, 229 8th aux, S. E. Millneapol . .At'allsr REESE, 25m Norlh Fourteenth Street. St. Louis.

MISS JOY chcms. 544 South 30th street, Omaha. ...... .. Mtzs. P, w. BATCHKLDER, Matlcnster.

.Mlss JULIA ScuraNEK.5ro E Front street, Plainfield. N.jr . Locuwoon. u; West $eventy»fi{th street. New Vorlt City.

.HT. Gtt ER'r PEARSON. Gteellsbor

.Mns. ADKLIA HOLEOMH, Enld . 5.63.3 Williams ate. Portland

Mums R. Ctmrn. to Brown street, Providence. _Mtss S. A. SMVTH. Legare Slrrel. Charleston. us. :2. c. CONNKK. Ripley. MRS. FLETCHER K. BARROWS‘ Brzllleboto.

.MRS. l. C. PLA 1. Glencarlyn.

MR5. qunen G. Tuwurns. 26o Langdon street. Madison.

,st. N. R. nms. Cheyenne

do not look both right anti left as well as ahead. an upset will speedily follow.

“’e are all prone to overestimate the importance of initial effort. whether it be in mastering a horse. a wheel. or in organ» izing a new movement. of course. in order to have a coiiperatire society there must be organization. but the organization should be regarded only as a platform upon which the members may stand united to work intelligently for reaching an end. not as the end itself.

When you often hearsome one say. "Oh. yes, birds are being protected in our state.


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