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The Migration of Warblers

SECOND PAPER Compiled by Proteuor W. W. Cooke. chiefly lrom Data in the Biological Survey

Wilh drawings' by Lliuls Anus” run": and Hunt-v. NOISFALL


HE Pine Warbler seems to be the only United States Warbler that

I breeds at the southern limit of its range. so that its fall migration is a

desertion of the northern part of its summer home and a concentrav

rion in the southern portion. The winter home is about one-third the area

of the breeding range. The Pine Warbler is also the only Warbler breed—

ing in the United States. no individuals of which regularly leave the United

States in winter. The only records for this species outside of the United

States are of a single, probably accidental, occurrence just over the border- line in Mexico. and of stragglers seen occasionally in the Bermudas.


Atlantit (learn—The species winters north to North Carolina and south- ern Illinois and the records of spring migration from this winter home are neither regular nor numerous, but the following notes on the arrival of the first birds will give a fair idea of the general movement:

Lynchburg, Va., March 30, 1901; Washington, D. C.. average April 3; Renova. Pa.. April 18, [894; Englewood, N, 1., April 18. 1900: Port- land. Conn., average April 17; Durham, N, H,. average April 26: South- western Maine, average April 20; Petircodiac. N. 3.. May 19. 1887: Pic» tou. N. 5., May lg, 1894; North River, P. E. 1.. May 2. 1889.

Illisrisrippi Fallon—Nashville. Tenn., March 24, l902: Bowling Green. Ky.. April 20, I902; Central Indiana. average April 25; Southwestern ()n- tario, average May 4.; Ottawa, Ont., average May 17; St. Louis. Mo. April 21. 1883, April 16, 1888; Southwestern Iowa, average April 27; Lanesboro. Minn., average May 2; Aweme. Man., May 21, 1902. The most northern known extension is to Fort Carlton. Saskatchewan,


The last Pine Warbler seen at Aweme. Man.. in [902, was on Septem— ber 2: the average of the last seen in southwestern Maine. is September 25. and the latest October 4.. 1896. The earliest migrants reach Washington, D. C., the last week in August. and the rear guard passes central lndiana and Washington between October l0 and 20.

'The drawings m "mun." nalulzl til.-


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