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The Christmas Bird Census [7

tlividuals, Pine Grosbeak: were seen in large numbers Develnher l2, and a lew Decent— her to and 26. Evening Grosbeaks have lieen my common since December r. Brown Creepers. which are usually common all winter. I have been unable to find since Novem- her. The Red-winged Blackbird has been in Ihe village all winter, although the [Elllr peralure has been as low as 2;“ below mo and the ground covered with snow sint-r: NOVEmbcr.—'HENK\' P Sst'nsox.

Decorah, Iowa.— Time. to A. .\l. to 2.30. \\'ind northwest. «tong; temp.. Iero. Somewhat cloudy, tltuugh sun broke through occasionally. Greal Horned Owl, r; Rm. tailed Hawk, 1; Rtllled Grouse. 7: Crow. 5: Blue jay. (a; Hair)v \Vuodpecker. I; Goldfinch, 7; \Vhite-hreastetl Nuthatch, t: Chickadee. 5. Total. 9 species. B indi- vidualsr—Re‘rl‘ E. OLMSTEAD.

Provo City, man-Time. to.3o A. M. to 4.30 l'. M. Slightly hary, half inch uf snow; wind southwest, light; temp.. 28°. Ducks, not identified, 3; Killdeer. X: Goltl' finch, 4o; Marsh Hawk, 5; Western Red-tail. t; Marsh Owl, 3: DuskV-llarlleti Owl, I: Downy Woodpecker. 2: Red-shafted Flicker, is; Pallid-horned Lark, 46; Magpie, 37; American Raven. 2; Crow, 5; Pinon Jay. 2: Red-winged Blackbird, 203: Breuer Blackbird, 97; Western Evening Grosbeak, 12: House Finch. 30; Tree Sparrow, 40: Intermediate Junco, 63; Pink-sided Junco. 34: Song Sparrow (Std)qu one in song), 20; Bohemian “'axwing, to; VVhite-rumped Shrike. 2; Mountain Chit-kadee. :3. Total. 25 species, 69.; individuals,—S. H. Gnuuuts.

Napa, California—T rte. it A. M. to 3 l'. .\l. Clear, ground bare ; no wind ; temp., 58". American Biltern, 2; Killdeer. l : Western Red-tail Hawk. 3; Belted Kingfisher. 1; Californian Woodpecker, 7: Red-shafted Flicker, 16: Anna's Humming~hird. l; Say‘s Phebe, 1: Black Phoebe. 5; California jay, 29; American Crow, 5; Bimlored Blackbird, a: Western Meadowlark. very numerous. 136 countod: Brewer’s BlackbirdI very numerous, I.“ counted; House Finch. it; Green-hacked Goldfinch, 62 : “'hite~ crowned (Gamhel's) Sparrow. 6: Golden-crowned Sparrow, t5: Oregon Junco, l; Thurber‘s Junco, 35 : Samuel's Song Sparrow (heard). I‘, Spurred Towhee. ii : Califor- nian Towhee, 20: California Shrike, 5 ; Audtlhon's “'arbler, 2; American Pipit, 3:; Plain Titmonsc. 4; California Bus -tlt. 3i; Ruby-crowned Kinglet. to: Dwarf Hermit Thrush. t; \Vestern Robin. 4,; Varied Thrush. t; “'estern Bluebird, 2. Total. 3; species. 609 individuals (at minimum Eslillliflelr‘MRr r\.\'n MR5 E. L. Blcxinnn.

Cheney. Wash—Time. 9.45 A. .\l. to 1.30}. n. Foggy. ground bare; u'ind. east. light; temp., 26°. Batcheltler \Voodpet‘ker. r; BIark»billed Magpie. ;; Salt Diego Red-wing. 3+; Brewer Blackbird. rr; Redpoll. 29; Merrill Song Sparrow. r; Slender- hilletl Nuthatch, 2: Oregon Chickadee. 21 : Mountain Chickadee, t. Total. 9 specie. [02 int‘ivllillals.’ROSWELL t1. JI)IIVSI)N.

The Pine Grosbeak at Washington, D. C.

Since the matter on the preceding pages was put in type. we hair: received a number of interesting censuses which we should have been glad to print had they arrived in time for insertion in their proper places. \Ve must make room. however, for a record of the Pine Grosbeak at Wash- ington, D. C. (the most southern point from which the species has been recorded this season), by Mr. Thomas H. Levering. who writes that he satisfactorily identified three individuals of this species, a short distance outside the city limits, on November 26, 1903.

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