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16 Bird - Lore

Peoria, Ill.—Tinle. ID A. .u. to 12 .u. Snowstorm at times blinding. two inches of snow on ground: wind west, strong; 1e111p.. 20”. Downy VVuodpecker. 3; Hairy “'oodpecker. 3: Prairie Horned Lark. Crow. 2: Blue Jay. 6; Junco. 2| : Tree Spar- row. 52: Purple Finch. .4: Cardinal. 9: Carolina \Vren. r; Chickadee. 26: Tufted Tit- rnuuse. 2: White-breasted Nuthatch. 3. Total, 13 species, .3. indi duals.—W. H. PfltKAKD and C. S. VAN Deusn.

Evauslon, mi

me. 9 n. .u. to r 1-. u. snowing very hard, blinding at times; “ind west. varving tu northwest; temp. 15°: eight inches of snow on ground. Result of fil'e»lni|e tramp: Herring Gull limrnardrel, 2; Old Squaw Duck. rao; Junco, 2o; Red- poll. 1; Chickadee. 12. Total. 5 species. 135 indivitluals.7H. 5. Preston.

Jellerson, Ashtabula County, Claim—Time, s a. u. to 12 31.. and 2 to .1 P. M. A gray day. west wind or none: a little fine snow. lields mostly bare. frozen; woods with crusty snow: temp., :2”. Rlltfed Grouse. Barred Owl. 1: Great Horned Owl. r; Hairy Woodpecker. 2 ; Downy Woodpecker, +; Northern Pileated Woodpecker. 2: Red— hellied Woodpecker. 1: Northern Flicker. 1; Blue Jay, 2: Tree Sparrow. 8: White. lireasted Nuthatch, 8; Redrhreasted Nuthatch. 1: Chickadee. 26. Total. I; species. 59 individuals—E. F and Rolleij SIM.

Cadiz, Ohiu,—Trme. 9 A. M. to 12.30 P. .\l. and 2.30 P. .u. to 4.10 e. M. Partly

cloudy; ground covered with snow, and ice in sheltered places only; wind southwest. moderate; temp. 35°. Distance walked (as registered by pedometer). 1; miles. Rufled Grouse, 1 Mourning Dove, t; Sharp-shinned Hawk. 1; Cooper‘s Hawk. 1; Red- tailed Hawk. 2: Sparrow Hawk. 2: Great Horned Owl, 1; Hairy \Voodpecker,4; Downy Woodpecker, s; Red-bellied Woodpecker. 5; Blue Jay, 3; Tree Sparrow. 12; Junco. 22; Song Sparrow, 3; Cardinal. 9; Carolina Wren, 3; White-breasted Nut- hatch. 15: Tufted Titlnouse, 39; Chickadee. 28; Golden»crowned Kinglet. I; Blue~ liird. ;. Total. 21 species, 164 individuals.~HrtRny B. MCCONNELL. _

McZena. Claim—December 24. Time, 8.5DA. M. to 1.50 r. M. Raining or snowing all the time: ground hare except remains of snuwdrifts: wind southwest, strong; very disagreeable walking; temp.. 39°. Bobqvllite, to: Ruited Grouse, r; Mourning Dove. 2.}: Red-tailed Hawk. r: Sparrow Hawk (.7). l; Hairy Woodpecker, 2; Downy Wood- pecker. 6; Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. I: Red-headed Woodpecker (heardl; Red-bellied \Voodpecker, 2: Northern Flicker. 1: Prairie Horned Lark. 2: Blue Jay, 10; American Goldfinch. .7: Tree Sparrow. 35: junco. 2;; Song Sparrow. 4; Cardinal. 6; Carolina \Vren, 2; Brown Creeper lheardl; White-breasted Nuthatch, 9 : Red-breasted Nuthalch. I; Tufted Titmouse. I8: Chickadee. 1; Golden-crowned Kinglet. 1. Total. 25 species. 213 inr'ivldllals.—ZENI) METCALF and C. L. METCALF.

Detail River. Mich.~Tirne, .t P. u. to + 30 P. M. Snow—flurries, floating ice on river; wind northwest; Iemp., 26°. Herring Gull. 5; Ring—billed Gull. 3. Total.z species. 8 individuals.-—ALEXANDER W. BLAIN. JR.

Port Sanilac. Mich—December 26; time. 2.15 e. u. to 4.15 P. lu. Clear; ix to ten inchesol snow; wind southwest. light; rernp., 12°. Old Squaw m, rs; Bob-white. r : Crow, :60: Pine Grosbeak, 2; Snowflake. 12°: Chickadee. 1. Total, 6 species. 302 individuals—HARRIET W. THOMSON.

Appleton. Wis.—Time, 9.30 to 11.30 A. .\l. Cloudy. light snow falling. ground partly covered; wind northwest, light; temp. zero. Downy Woodpecker. 1; Prairie Horned Lark, 2; Crow. 2' Blue jay, 3; Cedar Waxwing, o; White—breasted Nuthatch. 2: Chickadee. 5. Total. 7 species. or individuals.—HENR\' w. ABRAHAM.

Winneconne, Wis.—December 24: time. 9 A. M. to 12 .u.; 1 e. M. to 3 P. M. Partly cloudy: two or three inches of snow ; wind west. light: temp.. 20°. Hairy Wood< pecker. 2; Downy Woodpecker. 6; Blue Jay. 15: American Crow. 10; Red-winged Blackbird. 1; Evening Grosheak. to: American Goldfinch. I; Snowflake. :00: Tree Sparrow. 20: White-breasted Nuthatch, to; Chickadee. to. Total. t1 species. :85 in-

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