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The Christmas Bird Census l5

Ruby—crowned Kinglet. 4: \Vestern Robin. 15D: Chestnut-hacked Bluebird. 8. Total. 44 species. 53x individuals.~ W.\l. GRAY HAKMAN.

La Grange. Missouri: December 24: 9 A. M. to L30 I'. .\I. Clearing after rainy night. very muddy; wind northwest. brisk: temp. 33“. Red-shouldered Hawk. 2; Hairy Woodpecker. i ; Downy Woodpecker. i; Red-bellied Woodpecker. 4: Blue Jay. n: Crow... Purple Finch. 3; Goldfinch. ro. Tree Sparrow.20: Juncn. 53: Cardinal.o; Shrike. r; \Vllite»l)reaslt:tl Nuthatch. 4; 'l‘llfted Titmnuse. 8: Chickadee. 20. Total.

5 species. l57 individualS.-—SUSAN M. J0”N50N.

Clearrnont. Mo.—Time. 7.30 to i A. M.. and y.lo A. .\l. to I.§0 l'. .u. Cloudy at start. clearinglater. ground bare: wind southwest. Red-tailed Hawk. . Marsh Hawk. 1; Great»horned Owl. l‘. Screech Owl. t: Downy \Vondpecker. 7; Red-bellied \Voud- pecker. t; Crow. 33o: Blue Jay. 5: Goldfinch. r; Tree Sparrow. 75; Juncn. t4; (Zar- dinal. l; Tufted Titnlouse. 5: Chit‘kadee. 27: \"hite-breasted Nuthatch. I}: Brown Creeper. 3. Total. I69pecies.+36 individuals. .nnnkn \v. GRAVES.

Cameron. Clinton County, Mo.——Time. ii A. .u to 12.30 p. M. Sky cloudy and overcast with driving. sleet-like snow; wind cold. from the northwest and blowing from. about 35 miles to 40 miles: temp.. 26". Downy \Vondpecker. 2 ; Blue Jay. 6; Cardinal. t'. junco. I2; Chickadee. 2; “’hite-hreasted Nuthatch. 2. Total. 6 species. 25 indi» vitiu:|s.—CHARLES Noam”.

Lexington. Ky.—'I‘ime. 7 to S A. .u.. to to it A. .\l.. 3 to 41-..u. Clear. ground hare: wind west. fresh to brisk; temp.. 35C. Sparrow Hawk. 3; Screech Owl theard at even- ingl r; Hairy Woodpecker, r; Downy Woodpecker. i; Horned Lark. ii; American Crow. too and more; Bronzed Grackle. t7. Tree Sparrow. 2; Song Sparrow. to; Car» dinal. 1; Mockingbird. 1; Carolina Wren. 2; Brown Creeper. 2; Tufted 'I‘itmouse. t ; Carolina Chickadee. .r; Golden-crowned Kinglet. 3. Total. [6 species. t69 individuals —R. H. DEAN.

Mount Carmel. [IL—December 22. Time. 8 L“. to “.30 n.. ; 2 P. M. to+ l'. M. Clear: ground Ivare: light west wind; temp.. 2;”. Duck. about :25 (flying. and too far away to make positive identification possible); Turkey Vulture. t; Red-tailed Hawk. r; Sparrow Hawk. 4; Hairy Woodpecker. a; Downy Woodpecker. ii; Yel- low-bellied Sapsucker. t; Red~headed VVoodpecku. 16: Red—bellied \Voodpecker. t2: Flicker, :4; Prairie Horned Lark.t;: Blue Jay. 23; Crow. 35; Meadowlark. about 60: Goldfinch.26: Tree Sparrow. 75; Junco,65; Song Sparrow.§: Cardinal. 22; Loggerhead Shrike. 2: Carolina Wren. 3; Bewick‘s Wren. r ; Brown Creeper. 3; White—breasted Nuthatch. 9; Tufted ’l‘itmouse. about so; Chickadee. 22: Bluebird. :9. Total. 27 species. about 616 individuals. December 26. I saw one Muckingbird.—CHA~. F. BRENNAN.

Mount Carmel. [IL—Time. sunrise until 2 r. .u. Clear. temp.. 35“. List of birds visiting ‘ lunch counter' at house near center of town. Downy Woodpecker. 3; Hairy Woodpecker. i; Red-bellied Woodpecker. r; Flicker.2: Blue jay. 9; junco. i; Cardinal. 9; Carolina Wren. 2: Bewick‘s Wren. z; \Vhite-breasted Nuthatch. 5; Black-capped Chickadee. t5: Carolina Chickadee. 4. and English Sparrows without numb:r.—E. F. BEL‘LL.

Kewanee. “Li'rime. 7.30 n. M. to u A. M. Snow; wind south; temp.. 20°. Downy Woodpecker. 2: Blue Jay. 3: Crow. 5; Pine Grosbeak. 8; Song Sparrow. t; junco. :5; Cardinal. 2: Carolina Chickadee. 16; White-breasted Nuthatch. I. Total. 9 species. 63 individllzls.7CI.lFl-'Oll) Cnosln'.

Rock Island. [IL—Time. no A. M. to l2.4o P. .\l. Snowing. ground bare- when snow began; wind southeast at 9 A. M.. and northeast at “.30. becoming a gale. with blinding clouds of snow: temp.. 23“. Hairy Woodpecker. 2: Downy Woodpecker. r; Red- headed Woodpeoker. 2; Blue jay. Io; Junco.4‘. While-bellied Nuthatch. 3; Black~ capped Chickadee. 9. Total. 7 species. 3t individuals—Bultns H. WILSON.

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