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The Christmas Bird Census :3

continuing briskly rill 2.18 l'. .\l.. when it slackened and ceased. \Vind lighl. northwest: ground hare olsnow: temp.. 33" Bob-white. 4; Red-tailed Hawk. 5; Sparrow Hawk. 3; Downy Woodpecker. to: kcr. 3; Blue Jay. 2: Crow. 50: Meadowlark. .9; Purple Grackle. 2; Goldfinch. r; \Vhite-rhroated Sparrow. r3; 'I‘ree Sparrow. 72; junco. “a; Song Sparrow. tr: Cardinal. to: Northern Shrike. . Cnthird. tltvith one drooping wing: probably unable to migrate : \Vinter Wren. 4; White-breasted Nuthatch. :: Red-breasted Nuthatch. t: Tufted 'I‘itmnuse. q: Black-capped Chil’kallee. 1r; Guidena crowned Kingler. 2; Hermit Thrush. r; Robin. r. Total. 25 spades. altollt “yinle viduals.—\\'ltrl.l.-\.\l B. Evans.

Newlield, Gloucester County. N. Ju—‘I‘ime. 2.20 P. M. to No v. .\I. Drizzling rain. with slight mist: ground hare: no wind; temp.. 38°. Downy Woodpecker. z: Flicker. 2: Blue Jay. 2; Juneo. 200: Tree Sparrow. 30; Song Sparrow. - Chickadee. r2: Golden-crowned Kinglet. r. Total. 3 species. about 252 individuals.~\V.\1. w. Flint.

Wildwcod. Cape May County. N. J. (Five-Mile Beach [0 Rio Grand and Anglesea Junction).—Decemher 27. Time. 7.30 A. M. to 4.30 I’. M. Fair and cloudy; wind southwest. heavy: temp.. 8°. Black-backed Gull. 2 adults; Herring Gull. too; Ring» billed Gull. 2; Scaup Duck. :5; Killdeer. 2: Turkey Buzzard. 2: Marsh Hawk. 1: Sharpeshinned Hawk. 1 : Red-tailed Hawk. 3: Bald Eagle. t; Hairy \Voodpecker. r: Downy Woodpecker. 2; Flicker. 6: Horned Lark. l : Blue Jay. 2: Crow. 300: Red- winged Blackbird. r young male: Meadowlark. 75; Purple Finch. t5: Goldfinch. so; White-throated Sparrow. 75; Tree Sparrow. 6; Field Sparrow. 2: Junco. zoo: Song Sparrow. 75: Fox Sparrow. 25: Towhee.3 males. 1 female; Cardinal. :6: Myrtle Warbler. zoo; Mockingbird. x ; Brown Thrasher. 2; Carolina Wren. r5: White-breasted Nuthatch. 4.; Carolina Chickadee. 2;; Hermit Thrush. a: Robin. :50: Bluebird. 75. Total. 37 species. 2.061 individuals.—WM. L. BAILY.

Flirmount Plrk, Philadelphia. PL—Time, 9 A. M. to+ 30 r-. M. Cloudy. a stead} rain falling. clearing about 2 I’. .\ ground bare; wind southwest. light: temp. 40*. American Herring Gull. 2: American Merganser. 20: Red-tailed Hawk. 1: Cooper: Hawk. .; Sparrow Hawk. r; Downy Woodpecker. 2: Flicker. 2: Crow. 50: White- throated Sparrow. 4; juncn. 30: Song Sparrow. r4; Carolina \yren. z; \Vinter “'ren. l; White-breasted Nuthatch. l: Chickadee, S: Golden-crowned Kinglet. a: Ruby- crowned Kinglet. t. (I am certain of this bird’s identily. I was within 6 feet of it and it displayed its rubycrown~patch five or six times. [t was in company with a Song Sparrow exploring a ‘weed patch and brush heap.) Total. r7 species. 144 individuals. 0n Decem- ber 6. Cardinals. Crested Titmice and Brown Creepers were seen Today is the first time that l have failed to find Cardinals in Fairmount Park—Culteswcu. J. Hunt.

Wissmoming, Fa.— Dec. 23; x to d l’. in. Clear; wind west. moderate; tenlp.. 45". Crow. 7; Tree Sparrow. 15; Junco. l : Song Sparrow. 7: Fox Sparrow. ;: Cardinal. 2; White-breasted Nuthatch. t; Tufted Titmmlse. I; Winter Wren. heard. Total. to species. about 4.6 individuals.—RICHARD F. MILLER.

Near West Chester. Pa.—Cloudy. rain most of day; light southwest wind. Red- tailed Hawk. x: Downy Woodpecker. g: Crow. 50; June. 200; Tree Sparrow. 50: Song Sparrow. to; White—breasted Nuthatch. 6; Chickadee. 5; Brown Creeper. 2. Total. 9 species. 327 individualsA'l'l-mMAs H. JACKSON.

Gleneide, FI.—Time. n a. .to 12.10 P. M. Rainy: wind south. light: lt‘mp.. +3”. Sparrow Hawk. I: Red-tailed Hawk. 1: Flicker. 3: Downy Woodpecker. t: Crow. 50: Fish Crow. r; Meadowlark. 7; Song Sparrow. . Junco. r2; Chickadee. 4. Total. l0 species. Br individuals—Sulch H. BARKER.

Rohretstown. Pa.~ rule. 2 to 5 p. .\l. Cloudy: ground bare. exrept snow on north side of hills: temp.. 40°. Cooper‘s Hawk r: Screech Owl. r: Hnity Woodpecker. 2:

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