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12 Bird - Lore

Rockaway Park Beach, L. L—December 24. r903; time. 10.25 A. M. to 2.30 P. M. Weather cloudy; wind, brisk southwest; ground without snow; Herring Gull, common all along, with one flock of 90; Black-backed Gull, 7; Duck, species a; Crow. 35; Meadow- lark, 1: Tree Sparrow, several; Robin, r. Total, 7 species,~CHAKLrs H. ROGERS and HAROLD E. Pox-r511. '

Central Park, New York City. — December 26, 12.25 p. M. to 3.45 e. M. Weather, fine; wind, strong, west; ground covered with light and drifting snow; temp., 16" to 27°. Herring Gill], 1 flock of 60; Downy Woodpecker, 2; White-lhroated Sparrow, 2; Song Sparrow, 2; Cardinal, r; White-breasted Nuthatch, 2; Chickadee, 8. Total, 7 species, 78 individuaiS,—CHARLES H. Roceks.

Central Park, New York City (north of 72d streetl.~Time, rt A. .u. to t r. M. Light, southwest wind. Rain throughout; temp,, to“, Herring Gull, moo; Hairy Woodpecker, r; Downy Woodpecker, a; Starling, 3; \Vhite-rhroated Sparrow, 75; Song Sparrow, 1; Cardinal, 4; Brown Creeper, 3; VVhiIe—breasted Nuthatch, s; Chickadee, 25. Total, to species (exclusive of House Sparrows), about 1,222 individuals. —CL]NTON G. ABBOTT,

Central Park, New York City.~ 9.30 to it. Wind moderate, southwest; a heavy rain most of the time; ternp., 32°, Herring Gull, r,2oo lestimated); Hairy Wood- pecker, x: Downy Woodpecker, r; Starling, 4.; White-throated Sparrow, u; Song Sparrow, 3; Cardinal, 2; Junco, 4.; White-breasted Nuthatch, r; Chickadee, 22; Hermit Thrush, r, Total. it species, 1,250 individuals.—ISAAC BILDERSEE.

Central Park, New York City.—Time, 3.45 to io.25 A. u. Cloudy, sprinkling part of the time; light southwest wind; temp, 43°. Herring Gull, 500 (estimated); Downy Woodpecker, r; Starling, 3; White-throated Sparrow, 7; Song Sparrow, r; Red-breasted Nuthatch, 1; Chitkadee, 5; Hermit Thrush, r, Total, 8 species, about 519 individualsiGEORGE E. Hlx.

Montclair, N. JtiTime, 3.30 A. M. tot p. M.: 2.30 p.31. to 5.30 r. M. Weather cloudy, with light rain turning to snow; ground bare; wind northwest to south, light: temp, 35“, Cooper's Hawk. r; Downy Woodpecker, 2; Blue Jay, 5; Crow, 7 Purple Grackle, r; Pine Grosbeak, l7; Goldfinch, 7; Tree Sparrow, 16; Junco, 400, Song Sparrow, 3; Northern Shrike, 2; Carolina \Vren, 2 (has been seen several time: since fall); Brown Creeper, 2; VVhiIe~breast=d Nuthatch. 6; Chickadee. 47; Golden- crowned Kinglet, 4; Robin, 1; Bluebird, r3. Total, IX species, 600 individuals.— VINCENT E, GORMAN and FRED T. MURISON.

Passaic, N. 1.79 A. M, to rr.go A. M. Cloudy, raining part of the time; ground bare; \vinrlsouthwest, light; temp.. 40°, Crow, 3; Song Sparrow, 3; Tree Sparrow, 4; Whiththroated Sparrow,3; Brown Creeper. I; Chickadee. 2; White-breasted Nut- hatch, 1. Total, 7 species, r7 individuals.~Gll.aEk‘r H. TKArTON.

Beverly, N. J.—Deeember 26, X A. M. to 3.30 P. .\l. Snow Entries in the morning, clear in the alternoun, ground bare: wind southwest, changing to northwest. very strong- average remp., 28°. Bob-w , 8; Red»tailed Hawk, 1; Downy Woodpecker, 1 Blue Jay, 1; Crow, 500; GOidhnCh, 6: White-thwarted Sparrow, 50; Tree Sparrow, 20; Junco, zoo; Song Sparrow, r5; Cardinal, 13: white-breasted Nuthatch, 5; Red- breasted Nuthatch. l ; Tufted Titmouse. 20; Chickadee. 32 ; Golden-Crowned Kinglet, 7. Total, to species, 892 individuals.~J. FLETCHER STREET.

Moorestown, N. J.—Time, 9.30 A. M. to 12,30 P. M, Raining, ground bare; wind west, very light; tempt. .ro". Blue Jay, 4; Crow, r2; Wltite»thruated Sparrow, ro; Tree Sparrow. 4: Junco, i; Song Sparrow, r5 (singing); Cardinal, 4; Catbird. r [wing injured): Winter Wren, 4 (Singing); Golden-crowned Kinglet, 2. Total, to species. 57 intliviuluals.—L. M. Jacrm and A. A. MICKLE.

Moarestown, Burlington County, N. J.—Time. 6.55 It. M. to 7,55 A. M. and 8.45 A. M. Io 5.:5 P.. Weather, overcast, high clouds, At 7.50 A. M. light rain set in,

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