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The Christmas Bird Census tt

7:: Golden-crowned Kinglet. t2; Bluebird. 3. Total. 20 species. 526 individuals. December 23 a male Towhee was seen.— FRANK EKUEN, R. W, Fokl). F. H. HOLME. NEWTON MANRoss and EcaER'r S.\tl'rH.

Edgewood Park, New Haven. COMM—Time. 9.45 r\. M. to l v. M. Cloudy to rainy; ground bare; wind northwest. ligh ; temp.. 39". Crow. 5- Blue jay.z; Sang Sparrow. a: Northern Shrike. t: White-breasted Nuthatch. t; Chickadee. l9. Total. 6 species. 30 individualist—A, A. SAUNDelts,

South Norwollr, Conn.— Distance covered. ll miles. Cloudy. with rain: temp.. 40". Grebe, 3; Loan. Herring Gull. )9]; Black Duck. 25; Shoveler. t75: Golden-eye. to; Old Squaw. 5o. Downy Woodpecker. ii; Bluejay. 3; Crow. to: Meadowlark. 29; Junco. .5; Tree Sparrow. 5r; Song Sparrow, 7; Chickadee. is; White-breasted Nut- hatch. 7. Tool. is species. 579 individuals. December 22 a Carolina Wren was seemi WtLaLlR SMITH Hand-birds) and THoMAs SAUNDERS (water-birds),

Sumac Lake, N. Y.~Time. 9,30 A. lit. to tt.3o A. in; r2.3o v. M. to t4; t-. it. Cloudy: wind westerly and gusty; ground covered with eighteen inches of snow; temp.. 20° to 24". Pine Grosbeak. t7; Brown Creeper. t; White-breasted Nuthatch. a, Total. 3 species. 20 individualliNOKMAN Mchou Curran.

Canandaigua, N. Yt—Time. 5.30 A. .u, to :2 M.. 2 ms t».. strong in the morning. light in the afternoon. snow falling most of the time; temp.. 27°. Herring Gull. t; American Scaup Duck. t; Downy Woodpecker. 2: Red-headed Woodpecker, t: Crow. about zoo; Tree Sparrow. [1‘ Song Sparrow. t: White- hreasted Nuthatch. 5; Chickadee. 2L Total.9 species. 243 intlivldualstiFRANK T, Antes.

Auburn, N. Y.-Time. 9 A. .u. to 2 in M, Ground covered with snow. strong northwest wind and snow falling heavin during iorenoon; tempt. 20“, Horned Grebe. 4: Herring Gull. t : American lvlcrganser. 3: American Golden-eye. t; Hairy Wood- pecker. t: Downy Woodpecker. t: Crow. tst; Tree Sparrow. 4: White-breasted Nuthatch. +. Total. 9 species. t7o individuals. -F. j. STUPP.

Hilton. N. Y.—Decemher 2t: 9 A. M. to tz M.. t P. M. [LI 4. l'. .\I. Ground covered with snow; clear; wind not preceptlble; tempt. 3t“ to 13°. Pheasant (Pluumnut larqua/utl. i; Hairy Woodpecker, i; Downy Woodpecker. 7; Crow. .5; American Goldfinch. 2o; Snowflake. 200; Tree Sparrow. 50; Joni-o. 2; Song Sparrow. 2; White-breasted Nut- hatch. 9; Chickadee. 30; Goldenrcrowned Kinglet. II. Total. t2 species. 348 indi- vidualst—Jomt ARCHEn and ALuER'r H. WRttiHT,

Rhinebeck, No Yo—Time. 845 to 9.4.5 A. M.. and z.t5 to an; I’. M. Cloudy: wind west. light; lemp.. 39°. Bob-whi . . Rttfled Grouse. 3; Red-tailed Hawk. i; Hairy Woodpecker. I ; Downy Woodpecker. I : Blue Jay. o: Crow. 8 ; Tree Sparrow. 2; Brown Creeper, 2: White-breasted Nuthatch. 4; Chickadee. t4: Golden-crowned Kinglet. t; Robin. L Total. I; spec' s. about 43 individttals.—MAuNsct.L S. Ckosat'.

Huntington. Long Island. N. Y.—Decelnber 24: g A. M. to :2 st. Cloudy. ground bare: wind southeast. light; temp” }8°. Downy Woodpecker. 3; Flicker. I; Yellow- bellied Sapsucker. i; Crow, 7; Blue jay. r; Meadowlark. a; Goldfinch. :5; Tree Sparrow.“ Junco.z§; Song Sparrow.z; Cetlarbird.4; Myrtle Warbler. 3; White- breasted Nuthatch. 3; Chickadee. t8: Robin. 4. Total. I; species. too individuals.—

CHARLo'rTE E. LEE. ‘ Greenport, L. tt—Time. 9.30 A. M. to tz M. Raining. ground bare: wtnd southwest.

light; temp.. 53°. Herring Gull. 27; Black Duck. 43: Downy Woodpecker. z; Crow. t4; Meadowlark. t: Pine Siskin. 6: Redpoll, 8: Song Sparrow. ;; Junco. so: Myrtle Warbler. zoo; White-breasted Nuthatch. l ; Chickadee. 28; Robin. t, Total. t3 species. about 380 individttals.—KAttt. B. SulllRES.

College Point. N. Y.-Time. to.;o A. M. to l.30 p. nt,: 3.4.0 P. M. to 4.45 r. M. Cloudy, rain in forenoon; ground bare: wind west. brisk: temp.. +4.“. Herring Gull. 3; Crow. 4; Meadowlark. t: Junco. to; Tree Sparrow. t2; Song Sparrow. t5; Chickadee. 4. Total. 7 species. 49 individuals.—Fancls HARPER.

Cloudy: wind west.

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