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The Christmas Bird Census 9

Moon Island and Squantum. Mass.—Decemhet 2+: time. 9 it. .\t. to 2 l'. \l, Cloudy; ground bare; wind southwest. light; Icmp., 36” to 474. Horned Grebe. r: Black-backed Gull. ; Herring Gull. 2.5; American St-aup nut-k. 4.5; American Goldenveye. I37; Bulfle—heml. 40: Old Squaw. l4: American Sewer. :8: Northern Downy Woodpecker. l: Flit'kcr. 6: American Crow. Isl; Meadowlark, 6 (several in song); Tree Sparrow. t; Song Sparrow. 4; Chickadee, ll; Robin. l. Total. llr ~pet~ies, 1,053 individtlals.—FIANC|S G. and MAURICE C. BLAKE.

Nahmt Beach. Mass—December 26: time. I0.ZO -\. M. to I2.2o |'. \l. Cloudy: snowing heavily: ground t-uveretl: wind northwest. very high; lemp., 24" to 33". Black backed Gulls. 5; Herring Gull. 7t; Horned Lark. II; American Cruw. lb; Song Sparrow. l: Chickadee. r, (l‘lte snow made it impossible to see out over the water.) Total, 6 species. 105 indl\ldll3|5.—FRANCIS G, and MAI'RICE (I. BLAKE.

Boston, Mass. (Charles River, the Back Bay Fem. Parkway. ‘)|ll|~lcati Park. Jamaica Pond and the Arnold Arboretum). December 28: time, 8.45 .r\ \t. In; I’. at. Clear: ground covered; wind west. brisk ; lelnp.. 16°. BIaI'k-ltacked Gull. 7: Hurting Gull. 39; Black Duck. 6; American Golden—eye. 57; Hairy Woodpecker. r; Downy Woodpecker. r; Flit-ker. 26; Blue jay. to; American Crow. .3; Pine Grosbeak. 3; White-winged Crossbill. 3; American Goldfinch. ll; White-Illroated Sparrow. ll; Tree Sparrow. o; )uneo, r3; Song Sparrow, 5; Northern Shrike. t; Brown Creeper. 1; Chickadee. 26; Golden -crotvned Kinglet, 7. Total. 2! species. 249 illtlividuillh.7 FRANCIS G. and MAURICE C. BLAKE.

Boston. Mass. (From Harvard Bridge through the Back Bay Fens and Riverway. Olmstead and )amaica Parks and the Arnold Arboretum; six miles of the city park system.)—Deremher 2+; 8.30 to 4. Cloudy; ground hare; wind southwest. light: tempt, 39° to or“. Great Black-hacked Gull. r; Herring Gull. 22: Black nut-k, tit. (six on Jamaica Poudl; American Golden -eyt'. r72; Boh»white. r3; Sharp » shillnetl Hawk. r ; Sparrow Hawk. r; Hairy Woodpecker. t; Downy Woodpecker. r; Flicker. er ; Blue jay. 7 ; Crow. 24; Pine Grosbeak, ta; Purple Finch. 2 : Goldfinch. it; While- throated Sparrow. lo ltwo in song): Jtlnco. 2t; Song Sparrow. 8; Fox Sparrow. 2. Myrtle Warbler. I; Brown Creeper. 3; Whiterbreasted Nuthatch. 5; Chickadee. .H; Golden- crowned Kinglet. 4. Total. 1; species. 503 individuals. December r9. Northern Shrike. l ; American Crosshill. l : Tree Sparrow. 2t ; Hermit Thrush. l : Rollin. L7 Home: W. WRIGHT.

Forest Hill Stntion. Mass. (through the Arnold Arboretum. Faulkner and “'eld Farms to Chestnut Hill).—Time. “.45 A \I. to 2.x; l-. .\l. Sky overcast; Wind light, no snow on the ground; temp., of. Flicker. r; Crow. 8; Tree Sparrow. a; Juncu. .4; Brown Creeper. I; White-breasted Nuthatch. 3; Chickadee. to. Total. 7 species. 4r individuals.—_|. S. CODMAN.

Cnmbridge. Mnss.. Fresh Pond.—December 26. Time. n.50 A. .u. to “.30 A. .\1. Clear. ground bare; wind southeast. medluln: temp.. 35“. Great Black-hacked Gull. z: Herring Gull, 33; Sparrow Hawk. r ; Downy Woodpecker, r; Crow. 5; Tree Sparron. r; Song Sparrow. I; White-breasted Nuthatch. 2; Chickadee. 3; Golden—Crowned Kinglet. 1. Total. 1.} sp . 52 individuals.—Fltrtncls A. P. JAMES.

Cambridge. Mass-Time. g.lo A. M. to l2.lo l1.ltl.: 3 l’. .\l. to 4 l'. M. Slight southwest wind. Sky heavily overcast. Rain in the afternoon. Great Black-backed Gull. 8; Herring Gull. 600: American Merganser. 1; Black Duck.+2; Mongolian Pheasant. I: Sparrow Hawk. 2: Downy Woodpecker. 3: Flicker. 2: Crow. ll; Gold» liuch. r; Tree Sparrow, +6; Junco. r; Song Sparrow. a; Brown Creeper. 2 ; Chickadee. 14. Total. I5 species. 740 individuals. A Grackle was observed Decemher 24.—Hel.ex C. SCORGIE and ELVIRA L. Scoltole.

Cambridge. Mass.. (past Fresh Fund through the Fresh Pond Marshes. over At- iington Heights to Waverly)—Time. 8.40 A. M. to tz tl. Cloudy: very light southwest

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