< Page:Bird-lore Vol 06.djvu
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210 Bird-Lore


Blun~LoRE believes in expansion. lt wishes to become not only a better, but a larger magazine. Many inviting opportu» niries for improvement and development. valuable communications. interesting photo.

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publication of accepted contributions is

often long delayed all for the same old, tire- some reason ‘lnck oi space 'fian excuse infinitely more irritating to us than to those to whom we are obliged to make it. We most earnestly hope, however, that BIRD- LORE will be found worthy of sufficient sup- port to permit us to carry out our plans for the coming year.

Paor, T. GlLaeltT PEARSON, of the Nor- mal College at Greensboro, North Carolina. who has been so remarkably successful in Audubon work in the South. has assumed the editorship or the Young Observer‘s De» partment, and under his care we are assured that this department can be made extremely attractive and stimulating to Butu-Loxc‘s younger readers.

MR. WITMER STottE, whose post as Conservator in the Academy of Sciences in Philadelphia. the cradle of American orni- tltology, is perhaps responsible tor his un- usually keen and sympathetic insight into the lives of early American ornithologists, will contribute to Bran-Lotte during the coming year a series oi biographical sketches of these pioneer bird students. Illustrations for these articles will be sup- plied by Mr. Ruthven Deane, who has kindly placed his unrivaled collection of ornithologists‘ portraits at Bum-Lou's disposal for this purpose.

THE February issue of BIRD-Loki, as we have prei-ioulsy announced, will be largely devoted to articles on Bird Houses.

This number will also contain the results of the Christmas Bird Census and the list of prominent ornithologists. composing BIRD- Luac's Advisory Council. who have con- sented to aid bird stutlents throughout the country with information and advice.

In succeeding issues we expect to present a paper by John Burroughs on ‘Birds in Books‘ and also contributions from Brad-

iord Torrey and Ernest Thompson Seton.

Prof. William Morton Wheeler has written a most interesting article on the structure of birds' wings, which. among other illustrations. will contain a restoration

V oi the Archaeopteryr by Charles R. Knight.

and C. William Beebe will tell us of his experiences last winter in Mexico.

OUR files are overflowing with photo~ graphs awaiting publication. and some of them are of unusual interest. notably those of dozens of Cormorants nesting in a singlc tree, in North Carolina, by T. Gilbert Pear- son, and a unique set recording the growth or a bird, day by day, by E. R. Warren.

BlRD»LORE'S attempt to provide good, reliable colored plates of irds has not only been pronounced an artistic and scientific success. but it has brought that measure of practical endorsement which ensures the con- tinuance of this popular feature. All the Warblers plates have been drawn. and we trust that circumstances will warrant out placing enough plates in each number of BIKD~LORE to complete the series in the next volume.

We particularly want to give Mr. Dutcher colored plates for his Educational Leaflets. Already widely used, they would have an even greater educational value if colored figures of the birds of which they treat were included in each number.

IT is also our ardent desire to publish Mr. Dutcher's Annual Report as Chairman of the National Committee of Audubon Societies in Bum—Lotte. This important document gives in detail. state by state, the work for bird protection during the year. Reports from the wardens employed. infor- mation concerning legis ative, educational and other allied matters are set forth at length, and the report is not only of present interest but is valuable for reference. A single number of this report is double the size of BllD-LORE, btlt we hope that during the present month our subscribers will vote so unanimously in favor of its publication that we may include it in our February issue. May we add that you will find a pink ballot placed in this number of BIRD- LOREr Vote early I

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