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A Bi~monthly Mag-zine Devoted to the Study and Protection ot Birdl

ttrtthMI. nudes nt- nut. “mums sot-mun


Vol. VI Pubbnhed neeemoer I. me No. 6


Price | the United States. Canada and Mt-xtt-u

twenty cents a number. one dollar a year pti§|~ age paid.

EIDHIIGITID. um. av FRANK M. t'nsrnsn

Btrd-Lore'a Motto: A flirt! in Me Rum is "'0th m» in the Hand

The most exacting cri es of a magazine illustration are undoubtedly the artist whose drawing it reproduces and tlte author whose text it accompanies. It is natural. there- fore. that. among the many cuntmendations oi ollr colored Warbler plates. which we have received during the past year. the fol- lowing from Mr. Fuertes anti Professor Cooke have afforded us the most pleasure and satisfaction : ‘

"t have been surprised and gratified hy the success you have achieved in reproducing the Warbler plates. l shoultl not have sup- posed it possible to represent so accurately the delicate but} and chestnut tones found in some of the female and young plumages. even with more colors at your disposal. The results are. however. more than lnerely satisfactory. and 1 think you are to be con- gratulated (or having dev’sed so adequate a means of giving us rel Warblers

ble pictures of otlr

all their important plumages. V ery sincerely yours. Louls Anssstz Fli‘Ell‘fE'

"You are setting a new mark for those striving to get the best possible bird pic- tures. These Warbler plates are easily the best things in the line i have ever seen. and a person would have to be pretty blind that could not identity a Warbler them. They have the r-omhinarion. 5.. hard to secure. of artistic excellence anti scientific accltracv. Yours truly.

“'H \V. CHOKE."



'l'ltt. st Ces\ \\lli('ll has attended the let- forts of the Anltlll'all Museum ul Natural History to make its t-nllet-ritins tit prat-t nl talue to the teat‘lters ut New tort (ziry by supplying rhem will! specimens. as reported in this numher ut Hlkllaldtur. suggests rlie urluprion or .1 similar in

l by other museums and natural history sot et As far as birds are runcernetl. possibly the Audubon Societies might ('ollet‘tiuns it) their rirlulating ltt'lures anti

add small traveling birtl


Douhtless urtlitltulngists lliruuglitiut the r-uurirry would donate specimens tur an ub- jet't of tilt nature. anti the plan could. there- tore. be carried out not only without entailing the destruction iii a single birtl.| it would tiring into use numbers or speci tens w ' h. having been studied. are now lying idle in cabinet drawers.

For class-room use. at least in the lower grades, the birds. in our opinion. should be Wholly aside front the greatet educational value of the mounted bird. :- bird-skin too closely resembles a dead bird to make it des rahle teaching material tor children. The mounted 1 rd. on the con- trary. to the imaginative child mintl. stands [or the living creature. and is as much more etteerire than a drawing in creat'ng a deli- nite. real c impression. as a doll is better titan a tloll‘s picture.

VVHllJ-Z the uneducated natives ut the countries in which Flamingos nest still gen- crally believe that. when incubating. Fla- mingos straddle their nests with a leg dang- ling on each side. we had supposed that among natural.ts. at least. this question was settled years ago.

We learn. however. from the October ‘ lhis ' that M. F. tie Chapel. who observed Flamingos” nests itt southern France in June. .904. "gires measurements of the nests and the parent birds. from which he draws the cont-lusion that the latter sit with one leg on each side of the nest. as equilib- rium would otherwise hc impns Ie." Ret— erenre to the photograph on page .94 at this issue of Bum-Lott: and to others in "I‘ll: Century' [or this month. showing hundreds ot sitting birds. will emphasire rhr danger of "drawing conclusions,"


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