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For Teachers and Students

The Migration of Warblers


Compiled by Prolessor W. W Cooke. Chiefly from data
in the Biological Survey

With drawings by Louis Agassiz Fuertes and Bruce Horsfall


FROM its winter home in Mexico and Guatemala, The Hermit Warbler enters the United States in April. being reported from Oracle. Ari- zona. April 12. 1899. and the Huachuca Mountains. Arizona. April 9. 1902. Records of the first birds seen in California are Campo. April 27. I877. and Julian. April 25. 1884. A Hermit \Varbler was noted at Burrard Inlet. British Columbia, April 20. I885. In the fall the species has been noted as late as September 22. in Ari- zona. and October 9. in California.

FROM its winter home in Mexico and Guatemala. the Hermit Warbler


Townsend's Warbler winters principally in southern Mexico and Gua- temala: a few sometimes remain. at this season. as far north as southern California. Migrants from Mexico begin to enter California. April 1.; to 20. The earliest noted in 1888. at Chilliwack. B. Ci. was on May 19. but the usual date of arrival is probably several days earlier, for the average date of the first birds seen during five years at Columbia Falls. Mont.. is May 7, varying from May .1. 1897. to May 11. 1896. First arrivals have been noted on April 9 in the Huachuca Mountains of Arizona: Loveland. Calm. May 11. 1889. and from Great Falls. Mont” May 28. 1890.


This. the rarest of American Warblers. has been taken at West Jupiter. Fla.. April 19 and 27; St. Helena Island. S. C.. April 27 and May 3; St. Louis. Mon May 8: Wabash. Ind.. May .1 and 7: near Chicago. “1.. May 7: Rockford. “L. May 2;: Lake Koshkonong. Wis.. May 24: Cleveland. Ohio. May 4. 12. 13 and 15: Ann Arbor. Mich. May 14. 1;. 16 and 18: Battle Creek. Mich.. May 11; Toronto. ()nt.. May 16: Min» neapolis. Minn.. May 13: Mackinac Island. Michi. May 21.

In the fall it has been noted at Fort Myer. Va.. September 25. and at Chester. 5. C.. October 111

The nest of this species was first discovered by Mr. Norman A, Wood in Oscoda county. Mich. July 8. 1903. (See Bull.. Mich. 0m. Club. v.

1904-121» 3-13.)


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