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198 Bird - Lore

in or about the rookery, where the negroes capture them by running them down or by the use of a long rope‘ With a man at either end of such a rope. a group of birds is partly surrounded and driven over the muddy ‘Swash‘ toward the negroes’ boat. Gradually they are rounded up and forced into shallow water. where they may be Caught with comparative ease. They are then thrown into the hold of the boat and taken alive to the nearest settlement. where they readily command a good price. Some young Flamingos

\‘Ul'Vl. ILA,\II\GO resume AFTER THE MANNER usually reaCh Nassau 8‘39" Yeah “F THE ADULT If the negro should not desire to sell his prey, it is killed and placed in brine.

Probably no known Flamingo rookery in the Bahamas escapes these disastrous visitations. and we have here. doubtless. the chief cause for the continued decrease of these splendid birds. Fortunately, I am glad to say, a representation of the requirements of the ease to the actingvgovernor of the Bahamas seems likely to be followed by the passage of a law designed to aflord Flamingos much-needed protectiont


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