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How to Study a Bird :83

12‘ TnnlL—Are they ever known to use a tool. that is. a stub. a stone or other foreign object. to help the beak or claws?

[3. Swan in Lifer—Can it hold out against the English Sparrow? ll so. what is its peculiar strength? Is the species increasing or not with civilization? How does it adapt itself to changing conditions. such as dcloresting, increasing human population .7

t4. Summlr Raos!r.— Does it form summer roosrs? If so. does it use these in common with other species ?

ts. Cnnmnuu— Does the same pair return each year to the same locala ity? This can be Settled only by marking them in some way.

16. Faad.—Does it feed on the wing. under water. on tree-tops, by night P Does it regurgitate pellets ? Does it distinguish poisonous plants and insects? Does it teach its young to do so? Does it feed the young by regurgitation? Does its food change with time of life? Does it eat food that would poison another species? Do certain foods influence the bird's color? Does it store up food ? Does it treat special foods in special ways, thus, put very hard seeds to soak. or remove the stings of wasps. or the wings of moths .? Does it take food with it claws?

I7t Plumugr.—Particularize each specimen in form. color and measure- ment. noting difference of sex, season. age. moult and locality. Thus. do heavily marked specimens characterize a certain locality? and so on. Do young or old moult first? Do sick or healthy moult first?

18. [Mating—Note fully any courtship observed. with maneuvers of both birds or competitions with rivals: is it ever polygamous or polyan- drous? Do the same birds remain paired throughout the season. or for more than one season ?

l9. Nestingi— Which of the pair selects the nesting site? Give lull particulars of construction. materials. proximity to the ground and to the water. of each nest; preserving. photographing or sketching the same. and observing whether covered over or approached by a covered way. Does it shape the nest with bill. claws or breast? Does it line the nest with its own feathers? Does it show preference for any kind of lining or building material? Does it ever evidently go a long way to get certain material while others are close at hand .? Is the same ntst ever used twice .? How does it clean the nest while in use? Does it use mud for building ? Does it steal nesting material from other birds ?

20. Eggs—Give details of laying. time between each oviposition. varia- tion of the eggs in size and color, stating whether those first laid are large or more heavily marked than those laid later; are the eggs turned daily. and. it so. by which bird ? Is the first clutch of eggs more numerous than others of that season ? Are young birds more prolific than older ones?

21. Broads—Number per season: average of each ? Are later broods less? How long is each cared for by the parents? [5 the female first to

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