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clothing, go the bird - into his grip, a few more; largersized cigar boxes are used (or

conveniently expressing halt a dozen quail to a friend, or perhaps a starch, or even larger grocery box may be utilized. This accusation is not based upon specula on, for I know half a dozen sportsmen who dis- pose of the game they kill in this way quite as a matter ot course, as it they considered the non-transportation clause as applying only to the market hunter who sells his game.

They sell game, they, the thoroughbred sportsmen? Never! they merely ttse it as courtesy coin to pay ol-‘f little social debts to their friends, and especially their friends' wives,

And these wives ?—bigoted Allduhonites some of them, too, who even have ethical qualms about using geese-feather pillows— do they decline to receive these smuggled birds and become parties of the second part by eating them? Not a bit of it. The worse of the whole. matter is that the law cannot cope with the breach of itseli at all unless game custom-houses could be estab» lished at all state lines, which is of course an impossibility. Yet in this, as in many other differences between the law and the lady, no greater aid can be had in the work- ing out of iustice than that which comes from the lady herself. The woman who teaches her children humanity and to keep their fingers out of nests. and banishes for- bidden plumes tron. her head-gear, must go a step further and refuse to accept as a gift game either out of season or shipped against the law, just as she would refuse to buy smug- gled goods, even if it robs her table or one of the attractions that as a good housewife she greatly covetsiM. 0. W.

National Committee Notes Ev 7H: CNAIIMAN

The malter of incorporation progresses slowly, but surely. The charterI constitu- tion and by-laws are being prepared very carefully. necessarily by means or corres- pondence, which emails tlelay, however. it is better to be a little slow in the begin- ning than to make haste and mistakes

It has been decided to substitute the word

Bird - Lore

" Committee ” in our title, because the former word more clearly expresses the relation of the central body to the several state societies. the American Ornithologists’ Union and the supporting public. In addition, our attorney states that the substitution will simplify the act of incorporation, as it will render unnecessary considerable advertising which would have to be done in case the present title were continued. ,

-The Chairman dislikes to be compelled to revert to the subject of money so often, but a deficit of over $300 at the present writing. tor whirh he is personally respon— sible, causes considerable worry and uneasi— ness, Certainly among the readers of BlRD»LoKE there should be some who are willing to share this burden.

It is gratifying to learn that the Republic of Mexico is awakening to the value of bird lite to agriculture. Her Commission of Agri- culture is distributing literature, forming ornithological leagues and revising state laws for bird protection. Dr. At Meraz, or the Commission, has requested the privi- lege of using the electros or the illustrations of our Educational Leaflets in its publi~ cations. In response to this request, a complete set of electros have been shipped to him, As so many of our birds either winter in or pass through Mexico ‘during the migration seasons, it is very pleasant to be able to thus establish international relations for the protection of birds. It is hoped that such relations may some day be established with the Central and South American countries, in order that plume- hunting may be stopped there, thus cutting 05 one of the sources of supply for the London feather trade, This is the only method by which the beautiiul Humming- birds and the few remai 'ng American White Herons can be saved.

In the May—June number of BIRD-Loki mention was made that the Navy Depart- ment, at the request of the Committee, had directed that the birds on Midway Island, a Pacific cable station, should be protected. That this order is being carried out the following newspaper item proves: "A cables grant has been received from Lieut. c. 5.

“Association” for

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