< Page:Bird-lore Vol 06.djvu
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Elbe fluhubon 50am“

“ rot. rumml mu. n :ralpelfind m: pnel'x Iulll. [Var ye! l/Ie wl'ld blrtl's Jung."


Communications relating to the work 0! the Audubon And other Blrtl Prulcl‘llt'e Fut'letles should

be addressed to Mrs. \Vriglll. at Frtirfleld. Conn.

Reports. no. designed ior nus (lepnrlmenl sltottlrl he

lent st least one month prior to (he dzIe or publication.


With numel and Ifldreuel ol their Secret-lien

Klnlucky . local-Inn-


New Hutu-hire NIW hazy. New York

l s


Conscience and the Game ans

it is all very well. the passing of adequate laws for the protection of game-birds. but the conscience of the average sportsman is such a complex organization that its cogs invariably slip or fail to move altogether when called upon to recognize certain sub- clauses of the very laws that he has labored to have passed.

The man who would rightly consider it a heinous crime against sport to shoot a bird

.Mlss ANITA Puma, rm: Pclers ave.

_M155 Aunt. . / Mlss lzssns h reruns” care Boston Society or Natural History. Boston. unsos- IKUILRR.Suite 70, Home Halli: lluiltlill

“MISS Jasstts \VNI1MAN. 235:. Bntl .. .At'GllsT Rnnss, 25m North Fouttumh street.

“55 'Enm Hf Lockwoon. m West Sevth

,Mlts. Eowatzn Roms. tu South Twenty-first street. Philadelp .Mls. H. 'l‘. Gus-r, m Bowen slreel. Providetlctr

\\'. Sun. \\‘A\. 1 . t K. Mann A. SIII'TF Dnnver. .Mlts. WILLIAM BROWN GLOVK Ftirfield.

.Ml'ts. WM. 5. HILLKS. Delalllore Place. Wilnllllglon. .Mns JOHN DEWMURST PA‘rrttN. 2th R street. Washington.

MISS Muv DRI‘MMDND. ms West street. Wheaton.

E It. Howls llll.

Indianapolis. l’AIthTI. \\’:tlerltm. Henderson. ew Orleans. Must c. it. 'l'um n, l-‘airt’leld. [55L Paul street. kallimore.


t. Louis. Mlss luv the “.544 Sutllh goth street. 0min. Mus. F. w. BATCHRLDBK. Mnllchulel’. NER.5|0 F Frunl street. Plaitlfield. Ntl.

.Tr GanERT PEARSON. Greensboro. l/Alll-‘Ili l. .‘NNUYT.HIRXI(I Furl: t LKLLAND. 82a tVost Ninth sue. .c ntiunnt lkStADE A HULCOMH. Em . when). two "lumusu street. Portland.

,Mlss S. A. SMVTH. Legare street. Charleston. .Mns. C. C. CONNIR. Ripley. I|~s Hut-n ' a. Ln Porto. TK‘HEK K Bskknt . Bmllleborn. Mk t Hnl'nu. l nlls ('Imrrh.

Mk5. RXUIE c.. TNWAITKS. 2&1 Laugdoll sttett, Madison-

\lks. t‘ottlmlut t‘mtlm.ltis.Cheyem-e~

the evening before tht day of open season. to snare game. or even in season to shoot the summer—hatched flocks of immature or ‘ bumblebee‘ quail. will not for a moment hesitate to ship game from a state that pro- hihits the practice. or carry game [tom the southern states that have a prolonged season into states where the season has long since closed.

The fact that he is oftentimes violating federal as well as state law moves not at all. Into his trunk, steadied by his


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