Blvd-Love 'or Dacember wlll contaln an article by Ernes! Thompson Se‘on
on ‘How to Study a mm.’
m: = lure
September -October. 1904'
Hum-Isran 7 “AV-HR mm En AND I‘m-.5
runs rSIm-zn \\’uzm ms . . . . . r 1mm Mung/(Ill.
I’xesrnsm kunsmmr ASH arm I’mn‘atnox . . I . . r . . . . . . I m
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IIIusIrarr-u by \lh‘ mulror I . . . . . . .
Sum-Mu .\ “bulwark Al Ho“ . mummy: Bum MFSIC . . Km L'me ,r JimmkAvHL HquIIuIL-«I , . kmm Imus-mmjnu nlus
Hanunsmr. us I (i TnImr. 149 Emli'hlafl'w‘d. :53 Susan J], Morn :55 £szle I tux. rm
FOR TEACHERS AND STUDENTS 'I‘m-z mourn» ul‘ \Vrmu ms 137 rm- I/mr/a/I . .
(' nmn \Hunrmx IN Wm,er aw Sm»; or San. Srmmm. lHIIsIHIed . . . . .
umk III 2 m/uuun. .I. I: Swim/II.
smh Papal. IIIusImu-d by /.»m‘ Axum: run-m- mi
11’. I!" Can/ap-
anulmux m .V I. Hmsur inn
A Snnm mm In): Swnv u» BIRD-LIFE, 0r .1 'llmc 4mm hing,- Hum Non: mun rm»: “(mm m- Nru' \"uux Cm. um. Amu' Mm 501mm TAMI-L “no, L‘ L, ly'mu. v lune m: Worm PE“ (1‘, .I/ .
I'm: I'xmw‘rmJ‘ummmw EnvwrnmN: rm. Hum, V< Sun-loan Gsuncos Expxm. - rs's '.\[0NnUKAPH 0' Mum s Isl I" s'ans on: N w Hampsmu. Bums m- nus Hucm-m \uI . ~' Em ': ‘BAkv ."(KI u NP 1'I.I ; ‘rur: ()xmmou
I-innuum.: NAIIONAI. Cum-Iv l|<,I- Nun 4 RH-(m'r m: l: mes some".
I‘ur up cu I)\\'I. lllusImImI Ir [mum .4er z FIu’I‘I/x . . . . . r ru‘im'ruunutcmr. r77
3. Mumser "(hurl/d rm [um/wuhan {ma/h. r! . fm' rnnm'. am! exchangu Ilmulli 0: mr/ In Mr him.» at Ifrwleql'mlul I an jrmy
BIRD-LORE h ynbhshed for me Audubon sncIeues on the nm at everx other month by me Mauml‘au (50., a. Clraccnl and Mulberry SIreels, Harrisburgr m, where all nonces a change 01 ad- (lregs. HQ. Should he sew .
Subscriber; whos: Auhscrlpflon exyIres wItII the prenm Issue will find a pmperly dam! rumwal blank m lhelr rrrrgrrzure, In Hm gveul or a IleSIre nul |u rsnew. [he pIIhlislIus would gremh appreriale a [mslal |n mm mm.
urn sunscmsrs whole suhwrlntiun exyIrea quI the Issue for Decsmner. 1903. and who luv: as m IIeiIhcr renewed IlIeIr sunsrrrprron nor, rrr response In mIr requesl. serrr us a "mice In discon- urrue Ilmlr lung . re me n m number is cm in m: hem-r um Ihe runner of renewal Ins hem urerlnnked. \A rru. in WI” now receive pmlupl :uu-ul
Complete let! 01 Volume! I. II. III, IV and V o! ‘Bird-Lore' cm “111 he lupplied.
Every number n! ‘ Bird-Lure ' in u Yeldlhl: Ind Vlllllhll (filly I! when It I! I lllnel, Ind no DIM-lover who is I'm! llreldv supplied nu hurl I better Investment thin hack Vul- umu of ml: mlznzlnl. Vols. 1. III, IV Ind V Ire «flared Ii the subscription price o! S! eun. pnslplid: the print I)! Vol. II ll :3.
Eulered as ismulu'lnss mail man»! m 01: Pl)“ «mice a! Harrisburgr Pa,