precincts of shrines antl temples: and shoot- ing may be prohihitetl within certain limits by the governor of a prelecture, if he deems it necessary to take sttch action
Licenses are required totrap or shoot. anti these licenses must he carried by the owner when in the field. must be returned to the authorities who granted them within thirty days after tlte date of expiration. anti are subject to inspection by police, gendarmes. forest otiicers. or the chief of a city. totvn or village Two series of licenses are in use : A. for capture oi live birds or game with nets. lime rope or little twigs, and B. {or shooting. Each series is issued in three colors. for three tlitietent classes of persons. determined by the amount of taxes paid by the holder. First-class licenscs (bud) :ttc issued upon payment of 20 yen (Etc) to persons paying not less than too come tax. 500 _\'t.'l! lantl tax. or tso
tax , licenses .. ted upon payment of to yen
yen Veil hIL es (green) are tisl to persons paying not less than 3 yen income tax, 30 yen land tax.or 2o yen husi» tress tax. Third—class licenses (red) are issued to persons not belonging to either the first or the second class Tile same rates apply to an. members of the holder‘s family.
It u ll be noticed that although the law anti among them several Hawks and Owls, it extends no protection whatever to Grebes. Gulls. Tents, Ducks. Geese or other water-birds 'rn-a species which are conspicuous in lnilliuery ttint~ mitth the White Tern and the japanese War it ng. are nppnrctltly unprotected. if the li t of protected species were extended to include these and some others. and prot'i~
second - class
protects a number of birds.
or in many at the land-birds.
sions were atltlt-tl covering expo" of birds and sale at plumage. japan would have a lau- which.
or (cattle-rs atttl posse siun prnperly enforced. might in accolttplish its object of eliertirely protecting both game- alttl tttllcr lxirtls.
National Committee Notes ||\' le CNMIHAV .-\ statesman once said that a country could not he pttlsperous or happy unless it had a public debt. as otherwise the people would
,National Committee.
Bird —Lore
not be interested in the welfare of the state. If this be the correct standard. the National Committee has every reason for congratula- tion, at, notwithstanding the utmost efforts of the Chairman. along the line of scrimping anti saving. a big deficit at the end of the fiscal year is staring him in the face. Wat- dens must he paid. according to agreement; the educational leaflets should not be dis- continued. but all this costs money. anti the outgo for some time has been larger than the income. and the balance on hand of the Thayer Fund has been growing less and less. This is our public debt. and how can the Audubon members and the readers of Britta- Loltr: be happy and contented unless they personally take the matter of finance to heart? The hundred thousand Audubon members in the U ed States can. with very little in- dividual exertion, secure one dollar each to- ward tlle permanent endowment of the There are thousands of persons who simply need the work of the Audubon Societies brought to their attention in order that tlley may become liberal sup~ porters of it. Will not the junior Audubon members. everywhere. start at once a popurar subscription of small amounts. to he placed in the permanent endowment fund? Haw proud and happy every junior will be in after-life to know that he took part in the initial movement to endow and thtls perpet- uate the work of the Audubon Soc l
By a letter vote. which was almost unani- mous, it has been decided to incorporate the National Committee in the St;tc at New York. The corporate name. ‘ National.‘ will indicate Ihc scope at the work. The corporation laws of New York State do not make it necessary for more than one at the lrtlstces and members of the Committee to reside in that state. The act of incorpora- tion has not been completed as yet. owing to the time it has taken to determine the state In which to incorporate; however. sub- stant a1 progress has been made,
Glorious news from Loui iana! The model law for nowgztmel is t ill be in t'orce t that state on and after August 9! Look haeltl Two tears since, the ettnrt for good bird-legislation was defeated. anti today the state has the ht)! non-game bird-law in the
-M‘v\l ‘1 .